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Employment Law

Document discipline investigation steps to show sincerity, lack of discrimination


Employers that want to make sure their termination decisions stick should carefully track each step of the underlying investigation. That’s the only way they can show a court they acted in a “reasonably informed and considered” way. Here’s how to document your investigation:

Rule No. 1 for evaluations: The employer—not the employee—sets the standards


Some employees think they know their jobs better than their supervisors do. They want to decide which parts of their jobs are important and which parts are not. Then, when evaluation time rolls around, they try to show that they achieved their own goals for their jobs—even though management wanted other goals met. Don’t let this happen.

FMLA error costs employer more than $100,000


A federal court has awarded more than $100,000—plus enhanced pension benefits—to an employee who was fired when the company wrongly believed his FMLA leave had expired.

Insisting on ‘100% healed’ may violate FMLA rules


Employees who take FMLA leave are entitled to return to their jobs, or substantially equivalent ones. Employers often want a return-to-work certification to show that the employee is healthy enough to come back. But it can be risky to insist that the employee return without any restrictions at all …

Bill aims to stem Ohio’s looming nursing shortage


Forty percent of Ohio’s 153,310 nurses will leave the profession within the next 10 years, according to a state government survey. It won’t be easy to train replacements because the state lacks qualified nursing school instructors. A bill in the Ohio Senate seeks the best ideas to combat the coming shortage.

Labor union steps up Wal-Mart organizing campaign


The United Food and Commercial Workers Union (UFCW) has sighted Wal-Mart in its cross-hairs. The union has sent 60 organizers to more than 100 Wal-Mart stores in 15 states to try to crack the nation’s largest employer.

Navigating the complexities of a layoff to avoid unnecessary risks


In today’s down economy, nearly every termination and layoff is fraught with risk. Layoffs are supposed to be blind on issues of race, sex, age, etc. But, if you are making these decisions in the dark, you are making a big mistake that could prove very costly. Before implementing a layoff, it’s crucial to review the demographics of who is staying and who is leaving.

Does Ohio law prevent employers from giving honest job references?


Q. When I check a prospective employee’s job references, more and more I find that prior employers are unwilling to give any information other than confirming dates of prior employment. It makes it really difficult to accurately screen job applicants. Isn’t there a law that protects an employer that provides a job reference?

What are the rules on employee access to personnel files?


Q. Do I have to grant employees access to their personnel files?

Can we ban weapons anywhere on our premises?


Q. I know I can prohibit anyone, including employees, from bringing weapons into the workplace. Can I expand the same prohibition to the rest of my property, such as the parking lot?