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Employment Law

Heaven-sent policy advice for supervisors: No proselytizing or urging workers to convert


Employees have the right to practice their own religious beliefs—and not be subjected to proselytizing by their supervisors or others with influence over their work. Constant exhortations to be “saved” or otherwise renounce religious beliefs can create a hostile religious environment and great potential for a lawsuit.

Got a good reason to fire worker who has requested FMLA leave? Document and do it!


Some employees are under the mistaken impression that merely asking for FMLA leave means they cannot be fired. That’s simply not true. Employees who take FMLA leave don’t have greater rights than other employees.

Issuing a reprimand? That’s not retaliation


Don’t think that just because an employee has filed an internal or EEOC discrimination complaint, you have to treat him with kid gloves. You can and should manage the employee just like you would any other staff member. Rest assured, issuing a reprimand or other mild disciplinary actions isn’t enough to support a retaliation lawsuit.

Beware firing after employee files workers’ comp claim


Florida employees are protected from retaliation for filing workers’ compensation claims. Any move that may be seen as punishment or retaliation—that comes shortly after an employee files for workers’ comp—may lead to a lawsuit based almost entirely on timing alone.

Law doesn’t cover blowing whistle on co-workers


Florida employees are protected from retaliation for whistle-blowing, but courts have been limiting what they consider to be blowing the whistle. For example, in one recent case, a court concluded that a co-worker’s attempts to report a fellow pharmacy worker’s lax prescription practices was not whistle-blowing.

EEOC sues rehab center for failure to accommodate


The EEOC has filed a federal lawsuit accusing the Florida Institute for Neurological Rehabilitation of violating the ADA when it refused to accommodate a disabled employee’s request for training assistance.

Florida Nordstrom employees win harassment settlement


High-end retailer Nordstrom has settled an EEOC lawsuit alleging it allowed harassment of Hispanic and black employees at its Palm Beach Gardens and Wellington stores. Ten former employees will share in the $292,000 settlement.

Key West mayor’s assistant wins sexual harassment case


Celeste Bruno used to work for Key West Mayor Charles “Sonny” McCoy. She claims he constantly regaled her with tales of his sexual conquests and asked prying questions about her and her husband’s sex life. She filed a sexual harassment complaint with the EEOC claiming the county knew of the mayor’s behavior and did nothing to stop it.

After ARRA, how to handle gross misconduct and COBRA coverage


In light of the enactment of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) of 2009, employers have begun re-examining the cases of some employees who were involuntarily discharged for misconduct. The purpose? To determine whether the employees are eligible to receive a 65% subsidy for continuation of health insurance benefits under COBRA.

Can law enforcement agencies prohibit uniformed officers from wearing religious garb?


Q. As a law enforcement agency, we have several employees who want to wear religious garb with their uniforms. Our uniform regulations do not provide any accommodation for religious symbols or dress. Can we require strict compliance with the uniform regulation without violating religious discrimination laws?