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Employment Law

‘Same-actor’ defense won’t always work; establish unbiased reasons for firings


When the person who hires someone is the same one who conducts the firing, courts typically discount the idea that discrimination was involved. After all, why would someone who hired an applicant discriminate later because of that person’s age, race or sex? But be aware that the defense doesn’t always work if there is clear discrimination evidence.

Firing harasser is necessary, even if long-ago age comment could spark lawsuit


Terminations aren’t always clean. Sometimes they’re damned-if-you-do, damned-if-you-don’t situations. That’s often so when you conclude that an employee harassed another and must be terminated. With nothing to lose, the fired employee may try to concoct a discrimination lawsuit.

Transfer to slower-climbing position can equal retaliation


Be careful if you transfer an employee who filed a discrimination complaint to another position. Even if the new job provides the same benefits and pay, it may look like retaliation if the position comes with fewer advancement opportunities.

Instant response to harassment complaint cuts liability risk


Here’s another reason to act fast when an employee says a co-worker has sexually harassed her: Employers that act quickly seldom lose sexual harassment lawsuits if their action stops the harassment.

Texas law school professor alleges age and gender bias


Rosanne Piatt, an instructor at St. Mary’s University School of Law, recently filed a charge of discrimination with the EEOC and the Texas Workforce Commission Civil Rights Division. She claims the university discriminated against her on the basis of her age and gender.

Court orders foundation chief to give up $5.3 million in comp


Texas’ Third Court of Appeals in Austin recently upheld a jury’s order that Carl Yeckel, the former president of the board of directors at the Carl B. & Florence E. King Foundation, give up $5.3 million in excess compensation that he and other board members allegedly authorized for themselves.

Houston business owner sentenced for harboring illegals


The owner and two managers of a Houston-based used clothing exporting business were recently sentenced to prison for conspiring to harbor illegal immigrants. During a raid at Action Rags USA Inc. last year, ICE agents arrested 166 undocumented workers from Mexico, El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

EEOC offers new guidance to avoid bias against employee/caregivers


In 2007, the EEOC released a set of guidelines advising employers on issues related to caregiver bias. Following up on that issue, the commission has supplemented those guidelines with recommendations designed to help employers “reduce the chance of EEO violations against caregivers.” It’s imperative that companies begin to train managers and supervisors on the content of this most recent guidance.

Just-departed worker owes us money: Can we dock (or withhold) his final paycheck?


Q. One of my employees who recently quit has failed to pay back a personal charge he made on our corporate credit card. Can I simply deduct the amount of the charge from his last paycheck or withhold his final paycheck until he pays for the charge?

Under Texas law, do fired employees have a legal right to see their personnel files?


Q. I recently fired an employee for performance problems. At the end of the termination meeting, he asked for a copy of his personnel file. Do I have to give discharged employees copies of their personnel files?