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Employment Law

Cross-dressing hair stylist blames firing on gay bias


Daniel Brant liked to curl his eyelashes and wear mascara and heels when he went to his hair-stylist job at the Chop Shop on the Philadelphia campus of Temple University. When his boss transferred him to the salon’s South Street location and later fired him, he sued for discrimination.

Pittsburgh’s WWII atomic plant workers can get compensation


The DOL has set up a special fund to compensate employees who worked at the Westinghouse Atomic Power Development Plant in East Pittsburgh from 1942 to 1944. They and their relatives are eligible for payments under the Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act. Workers at the plant may have been exposed to damaging radiation in the race to build the first atomic bomb.

Removal of card-check provision makes EFCA passage more likely


With news from Capitol Hill that the “card-check” provision has been dropped from the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), employers need to be concerned that passage of the controversial pro-union legislation is now more likely than ever. In exchange for dropping card checks, EFCA backers gained three incredibly powerful proposals that will dramatically increase union ability to win elections.

Should we send FMLA forms to employees who are ineligible for FMLA leave?


Q. An employee who’s been employed since May is out on workers’ comp and will be for a while. Do I send her FMLA paperwork even though she hasn’t met the criteria of being employed for at least a year? It’s my understanding that I should send it to everyone who requests leave, and only after they return the paperwork should I determine if the person is, in fact, eligible.

Can we mandate EAP counseling when employee views porn at work?


Q. Our Internet policy says that if we find employees accessing pornographic web sites, they’ll receive a three-day suspension without pay and a mandatory referral to an EAP counselor. Can we require this?

Can we recoup training costs by withholding pay from an employee’s last paycheck?


Q. We’ve started requiring employees to repay (through payroll deduction) training costs if they quit or are fired within one year. Are we OK legally?

Are drug testing programs constitutional?


Q. An employee says our drug testing program violates his constitutional rights. What can I tell him to prove that we’re well within the law?

How do we compensate for out-of-town seminar?


Q. How should we compensate an hourly employee for an out-of-town, two-day (9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) seminar? In particular, should we pay for the hours during the overnight hotel stay, since the employee must sleep there to be ready for the next day’s session?

The 9 rule changes rocking the FMLA world


For the past 15 years, complying with the FMLA has been complex, but at least the law stayed the same. But earlier this year, that all changed when the first major overhaul of the FMLA took effect. Here are the details on the changes every HR pro must understand.

Confront bigotry—it won’t go away by itself


It may be tempting to ignore rumors about racial or other hostility in the workplace. But you do so at the company’s peril—especially if some of that hostility is coming from a supervisor who has the power to hire and fire.