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Employment Law

Good news: ADA amendments can’t be invoked retroactively


A federal court hearing a Minnesota case has concluded that the amendments to the ADA that were enacted in 2008 are not retroactive. That means you don’t have to worry that employees will sue over alleged violations that occurred before the amendments were passed …

When fists fly, make sure you get facts straight


When employers discipline employees following an argument or other confrontation, getting the facts straight is crucial. Recent case: Kevin Phillips, who is black, was fired after he got into a fight with a white supervisor. Another supervisor witnessed the incident. However, Phillips was the only one involved who was punished …

Did White Way play dirty when it fired pregnant worker?


According to the EEOC, White Way Cleaners discriminated against a female worker when it first moved her from the cleaning line to the front counter during her first pregnancy and then again when it terminated her after learning she was pregnant again.

U of M study: Female managers more likely to be harassed


A University of Minnesota study of sexual harassment shows that female supervisors are more likely to be harassed than women with no supervisory duties. More than half of the female supervisors who responded to the survey reported having been sexually harassed on the job. But only 30% of women with no supervisory duties reported harassment.

How does disability leave work with the FMLA?


Q. We have an employee out on a medical leave who is collecting short-term disability benefits. We have also designated the leave as FMLA leave. Our FMLA policy allows us to require the employee to use accumulated paid leave benefits concurrently with FMLA leave. Can we reduce this employee’s paid leave bank for the FMLA time he is taking?

Can we open all mail delivered to our address?


Q. Our company’s mailroom routinely opens all mail before distributing it. Some employees say they sometimes get personal mail delivered to them at the office, and the company has no right to open it. Should we change our mailroom practices?

Reduced hours for exempt employees: Should they continue to fill out time sheets?


Q. As a cost-saving measure, our company reduced the salaries of exempt employees by 10%. Employees get their salaries regardless of the number of hours they work. We have always asked our employees, though, to fill out a time sheet on which they write down 40 hours every week. Now we will ask them to record just 36 hours on this time sheet. Any problems with this?

2009 is ‘year of employee benefits’; more in the pipeline for 2010


Employee benefits have been in the national spotlight right from the start of 2009. From the new FMLA and ADA rules that took effect in January to today’s white-hot health care debate, employers are dealing with important changes and “could-be” changes. Let’s look back at the year in benefits and ahead to what could be coming.

Does the FMLA cover leave after a relative dies?


The FMLA seems straightforward in theory, but in real life, it’s full of tricky and delicate nuances. For example, what happens upon the death of a relative for whom an employee on FMLA leave has been providing care? How does compassion square with the law’s requirements?

Handle ‘uncooperative’ complainer with care


Employees who complain they’re being discriminated against sometimes seem less than cooperative once you start investigating their claims. If that happens, don’t be too quick to discipline that employee for hindering your fact-finding effort.