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Employment Law

Updated web site helps bulletproof your accommodation practices


The ADA requires employers to enter into an interactive process with disabled employees to find accommodations that allow them to perform the essential functions of their jobs. Recently, the federal government updated its Job Accommodation Network (JAN) web site, which employers can use to to find specific accommodation information.

Employee lawsuits set record! How to tame the outbreak


If discrimination has always been a head-in-the-sand issue for you and your organization, it’s time to get serious about your policies and practices. Discrimination complaints of all types—race, sex, age, etc.—have skyrocketed in the past year as the economy has fallen. Here’s how to avoid becoming one of the EEOC’s targets.

6 steps HR must take to prevent identity theft


Employers have a duty to protect their employees from identity theft. The federal Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act (FACTA) of 2003 says employers that negligently or purposely let employees’ personally identifiable data fall into the wrong hands can face fines of up to $2,500 per infraction. Here are six tips on developing a data security strategy.

EEOC takes sides in ‘the pill v. the pope’ battle


The EEOC has filed suit against Belmont Abbey College, a Catholic-run institution in Belmont, claiming the college’s refusal to provide coverage for birth control in its employee health plan violates the federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act.

Cherryville builder settles sex bias suit for $200K


Cherryville-based R-Anell Housing has agreed to a $200,000 settlement with the EEOC after the company refused to hire female applicants. According to the EEOC, the modular home building company maintains a sex-segregated workplace that “has the effect of denying female employees equal employment opportunities.”

10 minutes well-spent: Audit your employee bulletin board


Have you audited the employee bulletin board in your break room or next to your time clock recently? Have you ever done so? A little time spent seeing what’s there—and what’s missing—will keep you in compliance with North Carolina and federal laws.

We’re small; do we need an employee handbook?


Q. We are a small company and do not have an employee handbook. Are we required to have one?

Can handbooks create employment contracts?


Q. I have heard that an employee handbook can create a contract between the employer and the employee. Is this true? If so, can this be prevented?

Must we grant leave for employees to attend meetings at their kids’ schools?


Q. Are we obligated to provide paid leave so one of our employees can attend a mandatory school meeting concerning his child?

Can we require employees to keep working despite inclement weather?


Q. When there’s even a hint of bad weather, one of our employees goes home. Can we require her to work until the regular quitting time?