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Employment Law

State claim can’t piggyback on employee’s FMLA suit


Employees who sue under the FMLA for alleged interference with the right to take covered leave can’t throw in an additional claim for wrongful termination under state common law. That’s because North Carolina allows wrongful termination claims only in very limited circumstances …

Race bias lawsuits alive and well


 We all like to think we’ve moved beyond race discrimination, but the number of race bias lawsuits being filed suggests otherwise. That’s why employers need to make sure their hiring and discharge practices don’t discriminate. 

Refusal to hire non-Hispanics sparks EEOC lawsuit


Propak Logistics, an Arkansas-based freight management company, has drawn the ire of the EEOC, which is suing the firm for refusing to hire applicants who weren’t Hispanic for nonmanagement positions at its plant in Shelby.

Independent contractor or employee? How to make the call


Sometimes, it makes financial sense for companies to engage workers as independent contractors rather than as employees. It can have advantages for workers, too. But whether a worker is an employee or an independent contractor has nothing to do with the desires of the organization or the worker. Not even a written contract can make someone an independent contractor if that status isn’t legitimate.

Document solid business rationale for all salary increases and cuts


Employees who discover their colleagues are making more money for doing the same work often conclude that there can be only one reason—discrimination. Next stop: an attorney, who will try to confirm the pay bias by comparing the employee’s paychecks with his co-workers’. That’s why you have to be proactive, consistently keeping good records that show why you’ve made every compensation decision.

Record infraction, punishment for every rules violation


Make a note every time you take disciplinary action against an employee. You need documentation that explains why each employee was punished.

Review policies so voluntary benefits don’t become mandates


Can an employer that has fewer than 50 employees within 75 miles of the company’s work site willingly yet unwittingly be bound to provide its employees with FMLA rights and benefits? Maybe so. In Reaux v. Infohealth Management Corp., a federal judge recently ruled that employers that are not otherwise required to provide FMLA leave could wind up subjecting themselves to the FMLA by promising it to employees.

Working-conditions study presents compliance tune-up opportunity


According to a recent working-conditions survey, many employers are not doing the routine maintenance they should to keep their labor and employment compliance in tip-top shape. There’s no guarantee that tuning up your workplace policies like you do your car will avoid lawsuits. But, some routine preventive maintenance will go a long way to ensuring better compliance and fewer problems.

Time on your side: Learn FLSA ’rounding rule’


The FLSA allows employers to round off an hourly employee’s arrival or departure time to the nearest five minutes, tenth of an hour or quarter of an hour. But your rounding practices can’t always favor the employer. Rounding must be neutral or it must favor the employee. That means if you round down, you must also round up. You have several ways to make rounding fair:

Confidentiality depends on good e-mail policy


Employers that don’t enforce reasonable e-mail and computer-access policies—consider yourselves warned. Without such policies and practices, you won’t be able to use the federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act to punish employees who send information through your system to other persons or computers.