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Employment Law

Ohio disability law doesn’t cover temporary injuries


Like the ADA, Ohio’s disability discrimination law covers only some injuries, illnesses and conditions. It doesn’t cover temporary injuries.

Can we require employees to get flu vaccine?


Q. Can I require my employees to be vaccinated against the flu? I am concerned about the impact H1N1 will have on my business if it spreads among my employees, and a large group needs to take time off.

Harassment by text: Is this my problem?


Q. An employee complained that a co-worker was sending her sexually suggestive text messages and leaving inappropriate comments on her Facebook “wall.” Do I have any obligations to investigate?

What wage-and-hour records must we track?


Q. What are my responsibilities as an employer for maintaining employees’ wage records?

Can I hold obesity against job applicants?


Q. Can I implement a rule against hiring people who are overweight?

Beware RIFing worker who’s out on FMLA leave


Employees returning from FMLA leave are entitled to reinstatement to their former jobs or equivalent positions. However, an employer can terminate an employee while she’s out on FMLA leave if it can show it would have done so anyway even if the employee hadn’t taken FMLA leave. But be careful …

Monitor boss for retaliation after complaint


Supervisors sometimes get angry when employees accuse them of some form of discrimination. But if that anger spills over into increased scrutiny, more job tasks and other unpleasant conditions for the employees who complained, count on even more legal trouble. That’s why HR must do more than simply warn supervisors against retaliation.

Okeechobee employee’s button could spur religious bias suit


A former cashier for a Home Depot store in Okeechobee claims the retailer fired him because he refused to remove a button on his orange apron that said “One nation under God, indivisible.” Now Trevor Keezor has threatened to sue for religious discrimination.

Make sure your policy is understood before rejecting applicants because of bankruptcy


As the effects of the recession linger on, personal bankruptcy filings are still climbing. If you’re a private employer that doesn’t want to hire managers who can’t handle their financial affairs, be careful before rejecting someone because he’s filed for bankruptcy.

When deciding reasonable accommodations, assess disability on individual basis


Employees who become partially disabled sometimes ask for accommodations that may go beyond what they truly need or beyond what their employer believes the law requires. Then, when the employer turns down the request, they sue, alleging failure to accommodate. To counter such claims, keep good record …