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Employment Law

OK to suggest retiring in lieu of getting fired: It’s not age discrimination


Employees who claim they have experienced age discrimination must prove that age was the reason for an adverse employment action, such as termination or demotion. It’s not enough to show that a supervisor merely referred to the employee’s age. As the following case shows, merely suggesting retirement in lieu of discharge isn’t enough.

Enforce policy to prove you don’t tolerate harassment


Simply having an anti-harassment policy isn’t enough. Employers have to use it when faced with a violation. When you do, make sure you document what you did to remedy the problem.

Start accommodations process when FMLA expires


Change your policy now if you automatically terminate employees who use up their FMLA leave and can’t yet to return to work without restrictions. That’s because the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination requires employers to start an interactive accommodations process when they learn an employee may be disabled.

Lawnside settles police dept. bias case for $350,000


The Borough of Lawnside has agreed to settle a discrimination lawsuit filed by a female police officer who alleged she began experiencing harassment and discrimination almost from Day 1.

Drafting an auto-use policy? Here’s a crash course


If your employees travel on company business, use company cars or rent cars for business, make sure you have an auto-use policy that makes it clear that zany antics, such as one employee’s 600-mile detour to Dixie, fall outside the scope of employment …

Understand GINA’s new prohibitions on misuse of genetic info


Interim final regulations implementing the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 are now in effect for group health care insurers with plan years beginning on or after Dec. 7, 2009. If you offer group health coverage, that means you must understand and comply with GINA’s anti-discrimination provisions relating to genetic information.

Your Best Defense: Prevention


HR Law 101: When drugs don’t seem to present a problem in a workplace, it’s easy to develop a cavalier attitude about them. That’s not very smart. Drug abuse often begins with a single offender and then spreads out ­malignantly. Experts say your best defense is to detect drug abuse when it first appears and to root it out immediately …

Work restrictions? Seek job accommodations


It can be frustrating and confusing to deal with a supposedly disabled employee. Because the ADA measures each individual’s disability by what he or she can’t do, employers can never be certain they’re in the right if they reject a disability claim. That’s one reason many employers conclude the safest approach is to make accommodations even if they aren’t entirely sure the employee is disabled.

Tell managers: No talk of hiring preferences


As hard as it is to believe, some managers still think they can use sex or race as the reason to hire one qualified applicant instead of other qualified candidates. Of course, that’s wrong, and it could trigger a discrimination lawsuit if word gets out. That’s why you should remind everyone involved in the hiring process that his or her decision must be blind to personal characteristics.

Vanguard settles Charlotte race bias case for $300,000


The financial services firm Vanguard Group has settled a racial discrimination complaint with the EEOC for $300,000. The case involved Barbara Alexander, a black applicant for a financial planning manager position at Vanguard’s Charlotte office.