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Military Leave / USERRA

COBRA: Employer Obligations


HR Law 101: Under the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA) of 1985, employers are required to continue offering health insurance benefits to employees and their covered dependents for a specified period after they leave the organization …

Be prepared to justify military employee’s discharge


USERRA provides job protection for military-connected employees once they re­­turn from extended military service. Employers shouldn’t fire covered workers without good cause and solid reasons. Be prepared to show you would have taken the same action whether the employee served or not.

Continue benefits status during military leave

Always count military leave as time worked. Simply pretend the worker is present and earning leave and other benefits. That principle applies to both your attendance policies and your FMLA practices.

Prepare to justify any adverse employment action affecting members of the military

Members of the military who are called to active duty service have rights while deployed. Employers must be prepared to defend any decision that adversely affects the deployed employee.

What employment protections do military reservists and veterans enjoy?

Q. Are active duty military and veterans considered a protected class?

USERRA: Beware any reference to military service when justifying discipline

USERRA makes it illegal to discriminate against those who serve. Counting the time off required for reserve personnel to train violates USERRA. Make sure you don’t count it.



HR Law 101: USERRA requires employers to re-employ persons returning from duty in the uniformed services if they meet five cirtieria. Employers must provide to service members a notice of their rights, benefits and obligations …

FMLA: Military Family Leave


HR Law 101: The National Defense Authorization Act of 2008 granted new leave rights to family members of men and women who serve in the military. Because the NDAA amended the FMLA, the changes apply only to employers with 50 or more employees.

Warren County schools agree to settle USERRA suit

The Warren County Board of Edu­­ca­­tion has settled a USERRA complaint with the U.S. Department of Justice. The case involved an assistant principal at Warren County High School who is also a sergeant in the Army Reserve.

Consult lawyer before firing returning service member

Members of the armed forces are protected from discharge for being called to duty. That includes those who must take short training leaves. Once released from brief active-duty periods, they must get their jobs back. Firing a returning service member without a solid reason may spark a lawsuit.