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Don’t deny leave requests based on gender stereotypes

After his wife gave birth, Kevin Knussman, a Maryland state trooper, applied for family leave. Because his wife had medical problems after the birth, Knussman asked for an extra 30 …

Ex-employees: Gone but not forgotten Courts’ broader definition of ’employee’ expands your liability

Who are your employees? Seems like a pretty simple question. But, as in several aspects of employment law, the answer may surprise you. Two recent court rulings illustrate how, in …

Employees must ‘fess up about their need for leave

Linda Collins’ attendance record at work was spotty at best. Her employer warned her more than a dozen times, including four formal warnings. But when she again called in sick two …



In last month’s Business Talk column, a subscriber asked about holiday pay for workers taking leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Several of you asked us to elaborate …


Q Our policy says an employee must work the workday before and after a holiday to receive holiday pay. If an employee is on Family and Medical Leave Act leave, is he entitled to holiday pay? —G.P., Indiana

You can correct FMLA mistakes

In golf, they call it a mulligan. Kids call it a “do-over.” And in the world of Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) administration, it can be legal to do an …

Paid family leave: Lots of talk in states but little action

Despite dozens of bills being introduced on paid family leave in state legislatures this year, only one made it into law. Oklahoma passed legislation requiring employers to allow workers to …

Temp Employee May Trigger FMLA Rights


Q. Do employees paid through a temporary agency count toward the 50-employee eligibility number for the Family and Medical Leave Act? —M.S., New Jersey

You Can Change Workers’ Hours on Short Notice


Q. Can we change employees’ work hours on short notice by altering their schedules? Also, we have a part-time employee who’s been employed for a few months working 32 hours a week. She’s preparing to return to work after recovering from a car accident. Can we reduce her work hours? —J.L., Maryland

Notify staff how you count FMLA year

Managers at America West warned Penny Bachelder that her attendance was a problem. She had taken lots of time off in the previous two years under the Family and Medical Leave …