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Florida minimum wage to rise to $6.67 at start of year


This coming holiday season, the state of Florida has a gift planned for workers. Effective Jan. 1, 2007, the Florida minimum wage is set to increase in accordance with the state constitutional amendment approved by voters in 2004 …

Mortgage brokers sued for overtime, FLSA violations


The U.S. Labor Department sued Alliance Mortgage Group and Credit Financial Services for allegedly owing more than $239,000 in back pay to about 200 loan officers it misclassified as exempt under the Fair Labor Standards Act …

Prepare to pay overtime to some delivery drivers


You can no longer rely on the "motor carrier exemption" in the Fair Labor Standards Act to avoid paying overtime to delivery drivers who use vans and pickup trucks on their routes …

Requiring work during breaks: a $78 million mistake


A Pennsylvania jury last month awarded a group of present and former Wal-Mart employees $78 million in damages because the mega-retailer forced the employees to work without pay …

Car pooling isn’t paid time unless employer requires it


Employees’ typical home-to-work commutes are not compensable time, and that doesn’t change just because employees meet up at a designated place and take a car pool or van pool to work …

Minimum wage plays big role in state elections


This month’s elections may see more states adopt minimum-wage increases as they tire of waiting for Congressional action. After the ballots are counted, more than half of the states could be sitting on minimum-wage levels above the federal $5.15 per-hour threshold …

NLRB ruling spells end of union eligibility for millions


In recent years, unions have pushed to organize well-compensated professionals. In response, employers have argued that those professionals form part of the management team and, therefore, are not eligible for union representation. Last month, the employers’ view won out …

Tracking time off for salaried employees


Q. If a company tracks employees’ vacation, sick and personal time off, can we make deductions from accumulated time for everyone who takes time off, including salaried employees? I’m talking about deducting it from the accrual, not the pay. I’ve heard that I can’t deduct vacation, sick leave or personal time if the salaried employee worked at least four hours during that day. —S.W., Florida

Jiffy Lube managers win back pay in overtime case


Heartland Automotive Services agreed to settle a class-action lawsuit brought by 239 Jiffy Lube managers. They alleged the company denied them overtime, violating the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and state overtime laws …

Design your bonus program with the FMLA in mind


Pennsylvania employers can look to a recent 3rd Circuit Court decision to keep their bonus plans in compliance with the FMLA. The case is the first of its kind in the country and provides employers with guidance beyond that found in the FMLA’s regulations. The decision is now law in Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey and the Virgin Islands …