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Dock pay as part of discipline?


Q. Under the Fair Labor Standards Act, may I dock an employee’s pay as a disciplinary penalty? …

Misclassification yields million-Dollar settlement for janitors


A federal judge recently gave final approval to a settlement of a wage-and-hour lawsuit involving 500 primarily Latino janitors in San Antonio, Dallas and Chicago. Judge Amy St. Eve of the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois approved a $1,138,000 settlement compensating workers who were employed through Contract Cleaning Maintenance Inc. …

FLSA governs employment of minors


Q. My company often receives applications in the summer months from teens looking for temporary jobs. Are there any requirements that I should be aware of before hiring a minor?—J.S. …

Is it time to stop tracking employees’ vacation time?


Plenty of companies use paid time off banks in lieu of rigid leave plans that designate a specific number of days for vacation, sick and personal time off. Now newer leave plans are going even further, doing away with the concept of tracking leave time altogether. Weigh the pros and cons when deciding whether unlimited leave is right for your organization.

Lake County learns the hard way that ‘Pre-Work’ still counts as work


Lake County will be forced to defend a lawsuit filed by several corrections officers who allege the county violated federal pay rules by requiring all corrections officers to report for work 15 minutes early for roll call …

Restaurants shell out $1 million in unpaid wages


Five Long Island eateries will pay $966,000 in back wages to busboys, counter personnel, dishwashers and cooks to settle a U.S. Labor Department lawsuit. The wages cover two years in which the employees, mostly Hispanic immigrants, worked up to 60 hours per week without overtime compensation …

On-Call pay


Q. Some of our programming staff members, who are classified as nonexempt, must be “on-call” nights and weekends. That means that if we call them on their cell phones or beepers, we expect them to come to work. Is the time spent “on call”—waiting for a potential call—compensable time? …

4 strategies can put a stop to unauthorized overtime


As overtime lawsuits continue to surge, organizations often try to defend themselves by pointing to a policy that says employees should have received management approval for overtime. But a written policy isn’t enough, as employers are learning the hard way …


Is there a class action lurking in your employee handbook?


Now may be a good time to review your employee handbook for potential big trouble. The problem: Because handbooks spell out policies that apply to many or all employees, they can be used to justify escalating a simple lawsuit into a class-action suit …

Insist on accurate time sheets, even if it costs you OT


The Fair Labor Standards Act says employers must pay overtime to hourly employees who work more than 40 hours per week. Work time includes more than just the hours you put on the employee’s schedule—it also includes any time you “permitted” the employee to work outside the schedule. And therein lies a big overtime headache …