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Employment Contracts

Employee’s release holds in asbestos-Related cancer case


The Michigan Court of Appeals recently ruled that a Grand Trunk Western Railroad employee who signed a liability release for asbestosis in return for a cash settlement could not sue later on when he developed lung cancer …

Noncompete pacts in Texas: New ruling brings clarity … and questions


Last October, the Texas Supreme Court ruled employers may require new and existing employees to sign covenants not to compete, even if they are “at will” employees. As long as the employees get something in return for agreeing to the restrictions their employers want, the agreements are legal

Make sure your arbitration agreement is valid in Ohio


Arbitrating employment disputes in lieu of going to federal court can save your organization time and money if the agreement sticks. But just one mistake in drafting and implementing the agreement could end up costing you more, not less …

Separation agreement protects employer from age bias claim


A 55-year-old employee whose job was eliminated in a company restructuring recently lost his age-discrimination case before the 6th Circuit Court. Reason: He had signed a separation agreement waiving all claims against the company …

What should you do if an employee gets arrested?


It’s Monday morning, the coffee has yet to be brewed and already a huge problem has dropped onto your desk. An employee left a voice mail saying he has been arrested. He doesn’t say what happened, but the very next message is from a local newspaper reporter asking for details about the employee’s work history

Track contracts for bias against black-Owned firms


Think you don’t have to worry about race discrimination in hiring contractors? Think again. A little-known section of the federal Civil Rights Act has become a popular vehicle for claims of race discrimination in contracting

Include disclaimer in incentive plans that clarifies when no contract exists


Incentive plans are wonderful motivational tools, but make sure yours doesn’t create an enforceable contract. That mistake may force you to pay bonuses to employees who’ve left or cause lawsuits over the payment amount …

Quest lawsuit shows how to plan for ‘Turncoat’ employee


Lyndhurst-based Quest Diagnostics, the largest U.S. provider of diagnostic tests and services, has sued a former employee for allegedly taking confidential client information to benefit its arch rival …

In employment contracts, use clear, unambiguous terms


When Florida courts interpret employment contracts, they look first and foremost to the contract language. If it’s clear and unambiguous, they enforce the terms strictly. But if the court questions the meaning of some terms, it will interpret them in a way that benefits the employee

Protecting Your Trade Secrets

White Paper published by The HR Specialist, copyright 2007 ______________________ All businesses want to safeguard trade secrets and proprietary information and maintain their customers’ trust. So you will naturally want to let your employees and independent contractors know what you expect of them in this regard. Your options range from making a simple policy statement […]