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Texas employer honored for disability hiring


The EEOC recently honored Fluor Corporation of Sugar Land, Texas, as one of seven companies across the country cited for their efforts in promoting inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace …

Thwart ADA Claim by Pointing to Good-Faith Efforts


The ADA requires employers to work with disabled employees to arrive at a reasonable accommodation. But that doesn’t mean you have to give employees exactly the accommodation they want …

Troopers Cite ADA and Privacy in Lawsuit Over Call-In Policy


The Pennsylvania State Troopers’ Association has filed a lawsuit against the state police, arguing that troopers shouldn’t have to tell their duty desk the specific reason they’re calling in sick. The association alleges that the call-in policy violates the ADA because it may force troopers to disclose a disability …

State Pays Out Nearly $4 Million After Firing at-Will Employee


If you’ve ever wondered how much it costs an employer to defend a discrimination lawsuit, a Pennsylvania case may provide the answer …

5 tricky issues in accommodating mental disabilities


A top-performing employee is diagnosed with depression and now says her medication makes it impossible for her to make it to work on time. Must an employer change her work schedule? A job applicant volunteers that he is intellectually disabled but says he can perform his job with a job coach. Is that a reasonable accommodation? Are you prepared to answer those questions … and more?

Don’t push an employee toward disability leave


Q. We have an employee (an officer at the bank) who was out six months with a heart condition. He has had performance problems on and off since then. He was hospitalized again with pneumonia and returned looking very bad, but his doctor says he’s fine to return to work.  We approached him about taking disability and SSI benefits, but he refuses. Now we face a morale issue because he constantly talks about his illness and his co-workers feel he isn’t performing. If we terminate him, what is the best approach? —C.T., N.J.

EAP hotline calls may trigger ADA, FMLA awareness


Many employers offer employee assistance programs (EAPs) to help employees with personal problems. But be aware that if you communicate directly with counselors who take employees’ calls, you may trigger legal liabilities under both the ADA and the FMLA. That’s especially true if an EAP counselor suggests that the employee needs time off or some other accommodation …

Be on guard for often-Overlooked ‘Associated with’ claims


A frequently disregarded ADA provision often catches employers by surprise. The ADA, which prohibits discrimination of disabled people at work, also bans discrimination against employees because they "associate with" someone who is disabled …

Employees’ Seniority Trumps Disabled Co-Workers’ ADA Rights


If you award first choice of promotions, shifts, vacation slots and other perks based on employees’ seniority, you’ll face a dilemma if a disabled employee requests an ADA accommodation that conflicts with that policy …

Handle absence problems correctly; learn ADA, FMLA interplay


If an employee has attendance problems due to health issues, those absences may not be covered by the ADA even if they’re covered by the FMLA. That’s especially true if regular attendance is an essential job function …