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Discipline / Investigations

What is our obligation to warn about medical providers who are on probation?

Q. We are a small medical practice. I heard that if one of our providers is subject to probation by their licensing boards, we must warn patients. Is this true?

Stop a crime, lose your job

A CVS clerk and a pharmacist in Indiana have been fired for tackling and detaining a man who tried to steal oxycodone and then assaulted the pharmacist.

Document rule-breaking to explain discipline

Employees are protected against retaliation for complaining about discrimination. But that doesn’t mean you can’t discipline them when they break rules.

Sued for bias? Prepare to turn over discipline records

When an employee alleges that discrimination caused him to be punished more severely than other workers outside his protected class, his lawyer will probably demand disciplinary records relating to other workers. Be prepared to hand over those records.

Don’t assign disciplinary points for reporting injuries

A federal court awarded a machine operator in Wisconsin $100,000 in back wages and compensatory damages after he was fired soon after reporting an on-the-job injury.

Employee who complains isn’t immune from discipline

Employers can’t retaliate against employees who file discrimination or harassment complaints. But that doesn’t mean you can never discipline those employees.

Clearly document the rationale for disciplinary decisions you make

Before disciplining a worker, be sure to think about how you might defend the decision later. Then document all the reasons why the employee deserves the punishment you propose.

When you must correct borderline misbehavior

We’ve all known people whose behav­ior, while not illegal or a firing offense, just isn’t very nice, and we’ve all seen the damage such people can do to morale and productivity.

Taylor Swift tickets help nab alleged embezzler

A 44-year-old executive at a Burnsville, Minnesota nonprofit health care clinic has been charged with three counts of theft by swindle for allegedly stealing nearly $80,000.

Document each stage of progressive discipline

Employers that have a progressive discipline process, in which discharge can only happen after counseling and a series of warnings have occurred, have an advantage if a terminated employee sues them for discrimination.