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Discipline / Investigations

Don’t ignore minority-on-minority harassment

Steven Bell worked at a state prison with a co-worker who often hurled racial epithets at him, calling him “cracker” and “white boy.” Bell is Filipino and his harasser is …

Partial-week suspensions can strip workers’ exempt status

Los Angeles and its Department of Water and Power occasionally suspended salaried employees without pay, and now it may have to pony up overtime for groups of employees. The …

Don’t drag feet on accommodation; delay can equal discrimination

Part of Rose Selenke’s job as a radiology technician involved developing mammography films. She suffered from sinus problems and frequently complained about fumes in the darkroom. The first time her …

Supreme Court: One crude remark doesn’t equal hostile environment

A supervisor reviewing reports on job applicants with two other employees noted that one candidate had told a co-worker, “I hear that making love to you is like making love to …

ADA accommodation: Not a one-shot deal

Some days Carolyn Humphrey tried from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. just to get ready for work. She would rinse her hair for up to an hour. If it didn’t “feel …

Discipline, by any name, offers defense against bias claims

When Hattie Star complained that a co-worker had grabbed her, Star’s supervisor confronted the alleged harasser and told him to stay away from her. The supervisor reported the allegations to his …

Growing threat: Courts uphold broad interpretation of retaliation

John McMenemy was a lieutenant in the Rochester Fire Department as well as a union officer. He claimed the city twice passed him over for promotion because, while in his union …

Worker causes death, wins compensation

Leonard Bailey was operating a forklift at a steel company when he accidentally ran over and killed a co-worker. As a result, Bailey was treated for severe depression and tried to …

Harassment: Your response makes all the difference

Case 1: The ‘sex’retary Lesley Gentry’s boss constantly hugged her, kissed her and made suggestive comments, such as asking her to “try out the back counter” with him. He gave …

Participants in illegal action don’t lose whistle-blower protection

Franklin Gold didn’t get along with his supervisor at the landfill. When the supervisor hit Gold with a six-month probation for spilling leachate, Gold went to the big boss and told …