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Discipline / Investigations

Require hands-free phone usage in company vehicles

Issue: More states are placing restrictions on when drivers (and which drivers) can use wireless devices while driving.
Risk: Your organization may be liable when distracted employees on cell phones …

It’s every manager’s duty to take harassment complaints

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When an employee loses control at work

Tempers flare all the time in the workplace, and managers need to know how to quickly calm down employees whose anger gets out of hand. Here’s a step-by-step strategy you can use:

Collect proof of FMLA medical leave the right way


If you think employees are fudging their FMLA medical leave, how often can you request medical certification? The U.S. Labor Department recently gave employers added latitude to dig into suspicious FMLA claims …

Don’t require employees to visit a psychologist


Q. Can we require an employee to receive psychological counseling or treatment if his behavior has become a hindrance to his job performance? —N.M., Kansas

Choose ‘firing words’ carefully; stick to performance

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Don’t retaliate against employees for controversial public opinions

If your organization does business with any government entity (from a state agency to a local school board), be wary of allowing government officials to become involved in your employee discipline …

Train all supervisory employees how to spot and take complaints

Don’t think that you can automatically swat away a pesky sexual-harassment suit by saying the complaining employee didn’t follow your complaint procedure to a “T.” Courts may let employees pursue their …

Don’t ‘get tough’ on certain staff; tie punishment to crime

Issue: Supervisors tend to be quicker in disciplining employees that have given them trouble in the past.
Risk: Singling out certain “troublemakers” for discipline can spur a retaliation lawsuit.

3 provisions NOT to include in your sexual harassment policy

Some judges interpret policies, including those on sexual harassment, as enforceable contracts between employer and employee. To prevent charges that you didn’t live up to your side of the bargain in …