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Discipline / Investigations

Prevent employee anger before it starts: 5 tips


One wrong move (especially during the firing process) can send employees running for courthouse. Teach supervisors to avoid unnecessarily angering employees by pointing out the following common mistakes …

Employee accessing child porn: Just saying ‘Stop’ isn’t enough


When it comes to what your employees do on the Internet, "Hear no evil, see no evil and speak no evil" is a bad policy. If you know someone is using company assets and company time to engage in illegal activity, you may be obligated to report the activity to the appropriate authorities …

Be wary of disciplining for false complaints

Q. We have an employee who has filed several sexual harassment complaints. But when we investigate, they turn out to be false. Can we do something about her? —J.P., Oklahoma

6 common mistakes made during investigations, training


Are your anti-harassment efforts legally bulletproof, or are they full of holes? Probably somewhere in between, if you’re like most employers. Here are six holes that need patching in many employers’ training and investigation practices …

Don’t require staff to give emergency contact info


Q. We’re cleaning up our personnel files and updating emergency contact information. Some employees don’t want to provide their contact information. Is it legal for us to require them to give it to us? —S.S., California

Beware of a growing risk: harassment by customers


Too many employers think harassment is a problem only when it’s an employee-on-employee thing. Recent court rulings prove that you can be held liable even when outsiders harass your employees. Taking action may cost you a customer, but courts say defending employees must come first …

EEOC Targeting Cases of Years-Old Discrimination


Don’t think that an employee who quietly suffers name-calling for years can’t sue. Courts and the EEOC won’t be swayed by your argument that "he put up with it for 20 years, so how bad could it have been?" …

Pregnancy is no joking matter; ‘Prego’ is akin to a racial slur


If your supervisors think little jokes about pregnancy and childbirth are nothing but harmless banter, set them straight. Use the following case to remind them that singling out pregnant employees is legally dangerous …

Nonunion worker’s pay complaint is protected activity under NLRA


A new court ruling offers more reason to remind your supervisors to discipline employees based on objective work-based standards. Never punish employees for discussing compensation or job conditions with their co-workers …

Office romance: Don’t ban it; manage it the right way


Title VII of the federal Civil Rights Act prohibits employment discrimination based on a person’s sex. When office romances sour, scorned lovers often use this law to allege that their former lover was a sexual harasser …