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Work / Life Issues

Our top financial worry: Unexpected medical bills

When it comes to family budget concerns, unexpected medical bills top Americans’ list of worries, with two-thirds (65%) of the public saying they are at least somewhat worried.

Work-life balance: The times they are a-changin’

The current trends of work-life balance, and what managers can do to accommodate.

Financial well-being benefits now more common

Seventy percent of companies currently offer financial well-being benefits and more than half of them intend to expand such offerings in 2020, according to a new study by the WorldatWork association and employee equity plan company Computershare.

Snapshot: Your employees’ top financial stressors

The looming threat of the unexpected is what causes workers the most financial stress.

70% of us do some holiday shopping at work

One-third of employees surveyed recently say the holiday season distracts them from their work. For 70% of employees, part of the distraction is all the online holiday shopping they can get done at work.

Newsom vetoes bill allowing babies at work

The bill’s sponsor, Assemblyman Randy Voepel (R-San Diego County), said the aim was to allow workers to bond with their children and cut child care costs.

‘Selling’ benefits: 5 ways to repackage perks & increase participation

The two keys to greater use of your work/life benefits: constant communication and the right kind of communication. Here are five suggestions to achieve those goals.

Snapshot: Among benefits, employees most satisfied with flexible hours

Almost two-thirds of workers surveyed say they are satisfied with the amount of flexibility their jobs afford them.

Financial wellness benefits vary among employers

A new survey found that, among employers interested in offering financial wellness benefits to their employees, even defining what the term means can vary greatly.

Half of employees have 3-month rainy-day cushion

Only 20% of American families had liquid savings of more than three months of their family income.