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Wages & Hours

Can we require seven straight days of work in California?

Q. Tax season is very busy at our accounting firm. Can I schedule employees to work every day of the week during the spring?

Court: Some unauthorized breaks can be unpaid

Federal law requires paying employees for short breaks. That doesn’t mean employees can take as many breaks as they want and expect to be paid for that time.

Orientation program may not have to be paid

Generally, you must pay employees for the time they spend in training. But that’s not always the case for initial orientation programs.

Minnesota legal update: Minimum wage, leave ordinances

While much of the nation is focused on what changes may be coming to the Department of Labor, the National Labor Relations Board and the EEOC, employers would do well to also pay attention to changes at the state level.

Texas legislature considers bill to promote pay equity

State Sen. Eric Johnson has introduced legislation that would bar employers from asking for an applicant’s salary history before making a qualified job offer that includes a proposed salary.

How to pay for work-related driving expenses?

Q. What methods can I use to compensate my employees for their work-related driving expenses?

What’s the reimbursement rate for work mileage employees put on their personal vehicles?

Q. Some of my employees are required to drive their personal cars to and from various worksites during working hours. Do I have to compensate these employees for the miles they drive during this travel? If so, how much per mile must I reimburse them for?

Comcast promises lawsuit over Philly’s new wage bias law

Patterned after a first of its kind Massachusetts law, the ordinance bars employers from asking an employee’s salary history.

California localities’ minimum wage increases for 2017

The California minimum wage increased on Jan. 1 to $10.50 per hour for businesses employing 26 or more employees.

Setup work doesn’t require prevailing wage

Can employees who perform work that may be related to a public works contract, but not the public work directly, be paid less?