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Traditional pensions have virtually disappeared

Only 11% of private-sector workers participate in a traditional defined-benefit pension plan, according to new data from the Employee Benefit Research Institute.

Bill would enable more to offer 401(k) plans

The House of Representatives took a significant step on May 23 toward making it easier for more employers to set up 401(k) retirement plans for their employees.

Benefits cost big bucks for Uncle Sam

The tax-favored status of employer-provided health and retirement benefits costs the federal government far more than the biggest personal income-tax deduction.

Found errors in retirement accounts? By all means, go ahead and fix them

Small employers don’t always get everything right when dealing with the complex rules governing employee retirement accounts. Making an honest mistake and then fixing it generally doesn’t violate the law.

Economy recovered, but retirement savings didn’t

The retirement savings levels of working-age Americans remain deeply inadequate despite the economic recovery, according to a study by the nonprofit National Institute on Retirement Security.

Steal pension funds, go to jail

A joint investigation by the U.S. Department of Labor and the Internal Revenue Service has led to the conviction of a Cleveland CEO who embezzled $126,000 from an employee retirement plan.

Consistency is key to 401(k) wealth-building

It may seem obvious, but now there’s research to back it up: Consistent participation in an employer-sponsored retirement plan results in higher account balances—as much as 122% higher.

Small businesses could offer 401(k) plans under proposed DOL rule

An Oct. 22 DOL statement said the proposed rule would ease restrictions on the kinds of employers that can provide 401(k) retirement benefits via so-called association retirement plans.

4 plan features crucial to 401(k) wealth-building

Employer-sponsored retirement plans are most successful at building employee wealth if they feature these four things.

One-third of workers will retire comfortably by age 67

If current employee savings trends continue, half of workers will need to wait for retirement until at least age 70 to be considered financially prepared, according to findings from a new survey by the Aon consulting firm.