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Employees Can Sue to Rescind Early-Retirement Offers


A federal district court judge in Texas recently ruled that an employee may proceed with a lawsuit claiming that he was entitled to rescind his early retirement because his employer misrepresented his pension benefits …

Use new govt. data to benchmark benefit percentages


The U.S. government’s main survey on employee wages and benefits, Employer Costs for Employee Compensation (ECEC), offers a good quarterly snapshot that can help you benchmark your own pay and perks …

How to talk to young employees about retirement planning


Your 20-something employees are more worried about repaying student loans and moving into their first homes than saving for retirement. So convincing them to contribute to a 401(k) is often a tough sell. The solution: Make your pitch relevant to their lifestyles …

Beware linking RIF with retirement incentives


It’s not uncommon during economic downturns for organizations to conduct a RIF and—if the expected savings don’t materialize—to follow up with a retirement-incentive plan. But be aware of one pitfall …

New health campaign urges Texans to ‘Own Your Future’


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services has chosen Texas as one of six states that will participate in a long-term-care planning promotion campaign …

The new pension reform law: What it means to you


In August, President Bush signed the Pension Protection Act of 2006, which includes many benefits-related amendments to the Internal Revenue Code and the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) …

5 things to tell employees about the new pension law


The Pension Protection Act of 2006, signed by President Bush in August, swept in big changes for employer retirement plans. Educating employees about the law will likely fall to you. Here are five key points you should explain to employees long before the major provisions take effect in 2008 …

Help Older Workers With ‘Rewirement’—Not Just Retirement—Planning


If your organization helps older employees plan for their retirement, you’ve probably been asking them how they’re set financially for their golden years. What you might ask instead is: What do you want to do with the next one-third of your life? …


Is your pension consultant biased? 10 questions to ask


It’s getting harder to find a good pension consultant: The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is warning employers that some consultants fail to disclose their conflicts of interest, and that can cloud the objectivity of advice they give you and your employees …

Face-to-Face Investment Advice Reaps Bigger Returns


Want to help your employees reap a bigger return on their retirement investments? Offer them personalized advice …