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Office manager off the hook for the 100% penalty, for now


Fail to deposit your payroll taxes on time and the IRS can go after anyone in the company it considers to be a responsible person. The IRS recently lost its bid to hold an office manager responsible after a federal trial court ruled that whether she was a responsible person was a matter for a jury to decide.

IRS/DOL extend benefits to all same-sex married couples

Under new IRS and DOL guidance, legally married same-sex couples are entitled to all federal spousal tax and ERISA benefits, even if they live in states that don’t recognize same-sex marriage.

Paying workers with debit cards isn’t as easy as it seems

More employers are pushing their workers to receive pay via debit cards. But not all employees want to be paid that way—and the law is often on their side.

Health benefit reporting on 2013 Forms W-2

If you filed at least 250 W-2s for 2012, you’ll be on the hook for reporting the aggregate cost of employees’ health benefits on their 2013 W-2s. Here’s a chart listing health benefits and whether you must report them.

No penalty for not providing ACA notice? Maybe, maybe not

The Affordable Care Act required you to provide employees with notices regarding the health insurance exchanges by Oct. 1. The DOL first posted an FAQ absolving employers that didn’t provide these notices from penalties. However, later clarifications by the DOL imply that this isn’t a consequence-free zone …

Government shutdown: What HR needs to know about what’s open, what’s closed

The government shutdown means hundreds of thousands of federal employees aren’t at work, but it doesn’t mean employers are off the compliance hook.

Payback’s a #@$%&, and you may be out of pocket, too

Although employees who substantiate their business meal and entertainment expenses are usually reimbursed 100%, your corporate deduction for those expenses is limited to 50%. Final regulations assign this so-called deduction disallowance to the party—the employer, the employer’s agent or someone else—who actually bears the expense.

October 2013: Employer’s business tax calendar

Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays as observed in the District of Columbia are taken into account to determine due dates. Under the federal deposit rules, you’re allowed a deposit shortfall of the greater of $100 or 2% of your tax liability.

Don’t require payment via prepaid debit cards, feds say

The U.S. Consumer Financial Pro­­tec­­tion Bureau last month warned employers that they cannot require employees to be paid using prepaid payroll cards. “Consumers must have options when it comes to how they receive their wages,” the agency announced.

Special analysis: Fall is fringe-festival time

Fall is when most companies assess their fringe benefits programs, with an eye to making changes for the coming year. It’s also when Payroll begins to assess the damage (taxes, that is) from the current year’s offerings. How to sort everything out? Here’s some help.