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Payroll NRP audits almost done; analysis to follow


More than 75% of the intensive line-by-line payroll returns audited under the IRS’ National Research Program have been completed, according to IRS spokesperson Paul Carlino. Interim findings reveal issues with executive compensation and Form 1099-MISC.

Refund claim sinks on no proof of mailing

Drop a tax return in the mail on the day it’s due and it’s considered timely filed, under the IRS’ timely-mailing-is-timely-filing rule. But you must still have proof that you mailed it—a registered or certified mail receipt, for example. A taxpayer who couldn’t present a receipt was out of luck for his refund, ruled a federal appeals court.

State-by-state chart on vacation pay-upon-termination laws

A common question: Is the value of accrued vacation time due to a terminating employee? Here’s a chart summarizing state vacation pay laws.

IRS now provides special PINs to service bureau clients

If you’re a client of a payroll service bureau or reporting agent, the IRS will provide you with an inquiry PIN. Inquiry PINs allow you to track your tax accounts so you can keep tabs on your third-party provider’s activities. Keeping tabs on your third-party provider is crucial.

Should we pay nonexempt employees for voluntarily running office errands before work?

Q. Because our office is in a residential area, mail isn’t delivered until the late afternoon. One of our secretaries volunteered to pick up the mail at the post office on her way to work every day. It’s not too far out of the way, but it does change her regular route to work. Are we required to reimburse her for the additional time, as well as mileage?

Should child support be deducted from contractor’s payment?


Q: An employee who was having child support withheld from his pay became an independent contractor. He received two payments last year and another payment this year, but support wasn’t withheld from those payments. The child support agency has told us that we must withhold support. How do we complete the withholding order with regard to how he’s paid?

New rules proposed for excepted benefits

Excepted benefits aren’t subject to the Affordable Care Act health care reform law. Proposed regulations would modify limited-scope dental and vision excepted benefits, create new wraparound coverage to group plans that would be considered excepted benefits and clarify Employee Assistance Plans.

Spring forward March 9, calculate pay accordingly

Daylight-saving time begins at 2 a.m., March 9. Graveyard-shift workers, therefore, will actually work only seven hours that day. Here’s how to calculate their pay.

March 2014: Employer’s business tax calendar

NOTE: Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays as observed in the District of Columbia are taken into account to determine due dates. Under the federal deposit rules, you’re allowed a deposit shortfall of the greater of $100 or 2% of your tax liability.

Must we hand over final paycheck, or is it OK to put it in the mail?

Q. One of our employees is resigning at the end of the month. Can we mail her final paycheck?