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Can we deduct from his paycheck? Employee ruined a company-issued laptop


Q. One of our employees was issued a company laptop and later corrupted it by downloading games and other nonbusiness software. Can we recover the value of the damaged property from this employee’s next paycheck?

Reducing salaries and hours: How to document?


Q. We’ve reduced the salaries of our exempt employees and told them to work only 36 hours each week. Still, however, many of those employees continue to work 40 or more hours per week. Exempt employees feel uncomfortable documenting 36 hours, when, in actuality, they’ve worked many more hours than that. Should we ask exempt employees to document hours that are not necessarily true?

Just-departed worker owes us money: Can we dock (or withhold) his final paycheck?


Q. One of my employees who recently quit has failed to pay back a personal charge he made on our corporate credit card. Can I simply deduct the amount of the charge from his last paycheck or withhold his final paycheck until he pays for the charge?

As the Wurld turns: Upstate firm owes $1.2M to 19 workers


An arbitrator has awarded $1.2 million in back pay and damages to 19 former employees of Wurld Media, Inc. The Saratoga Springs-based Internet startup, which marketed a product similar to iTunes, began having trouble making payroll in 2006.

10 low-cost communication tips to start open enrollment right

Here are 10 ways you can do a better job of communicating with your employees. None of them costs a fortune. All can help increase benefits plan participation.

Beware incentive plans that deduct pay from exempt employees


The FLSA sets strict rules for who can be classified as an exempt employee not entitled to overtime pay. One of those is the so-called salary-basis test. Exempt employees must be paid the same salary regardless of the quality or quantity of their work in any given pay period. In other words, employers can’t make deductions from pay for poor work.

Must we pay out unused vacation days when we fire employees or they quit?


Q. Is an employer required to pay workers for their unused vacation days when they resign or are terminated?

Judge approves $8 million settlement in UPS case


A federal judge recently approved an $8 million settlement between UPS and approximately 38,000 current and former California employees. The workers alleged the company failed to provide meal and rest breaks and did not pay terminated employees their wages on a timely basis.

How can we save on payroll but still have employees work their full schedules?


Q. We are having trouble making payroll and have asked our employees to give up pay for 20 hours per month while they work their regular schedules. Can we do this?

10 ways to stay out of legal trouble while trimming staff


Even as we watch the stock market slowly recover, organizations are still laying off employees and searching for ways to cut overhead. If your organization is eliminating even one job, plan it carefully. A hasty layoff can create legal problems that cost more down the road than keeping the employee would have. Here are 10 things to consider: