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Compensation & Benefits

Leave-deduction option isn’t enough to destroy exempt status

One of the biggest pitfalls with the Fair Labor Standards Act is the salary trap. FLSA entitles exempt employees to their entire regular salary in any week they are ready, willing …

Beware misclassifying assistants and computer pros

The Labor Department’s revised overtime regulations that define which white-collar employees are “exempt” employees (not eligible for overtime pay) and “nonexempt’ employees (eligible for overtime) turn one year old in August. …

Don’t punish employees for wrong drug-Test hunch


Q. We suspected an employee was using drugs, so we sent him to be tested. We told him he couldn’t work until the test came back in two days. The results were negative. What financial responsibility do we have? Do we owe him lost wages for those two days? —L.B., North Carolina

Pay employees for their ‘pre-work’ work

When employees arrive and prepare their workstations for the day ahead, does that count as compensable time? Yes, as one employer found out the hard way last month. Humana must pay …

Employees waste twice as much time as you think

HR professionals assume that employees, on average, waste 56 minutes per day at work. But the truth is that U.S. employees admit to squandering more than two hours a day, says …

Totally disabled employees aren’t eligible for job accommodations

Employees who ask for and receive disability benefits may sometimes also ask for workplace accommodations for their disabilities. In some cases, they may be entitled to both; in other cases, not. …

Overly aggressive defense tactics may backfire on you in court

When defending an employment lawsuit, be careful about authorizing your attorneys to use exceedingly aggressive tactics. If your lawyer goes overboard, you may end up paying the other side’s attorney’s fees. …

Give employees a grace period to spend FSA dollars

If you allow employees to pay for health- and dependent-care expenses through a tax-advantaged flexible spending account (FSA), you can now give them an extra 21/2 months to spend the money. …

Can favoritism amount to a ‘hostile’ work environment?

As if there weren’t enough complications when co-workers are paramours, here’s another: Those who aren’t part
of the love affair feel slighted when
the bedded ones are promoted, and …

Salary increases to remain below 4 percent in 2006

Salary increases will average only 3.5 percent this year and are projected to remain at the same level in 2006, says the Conference Board. For the third consecutive year, the Conference …