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Compensation & Benefits

In unemployment comp cases, alcoholism no defense to misconduct discharge


Alcoholism may be a disability under the ADA and a serious health condition under the FMLA, but that doesn’t mean employers have to tolerate employees who come to work drunk. In fact, being under the influence at work can be misconduct, disqualifying the employee from getting unemployment payments …

Workers’ comp rates look sunny


Workers’ comp rates will drop 18.4% next year, the fifth consecutive decrease since Florida’s system was overhauled in 2003 …

How to comply with Florida’s Drug-Free Workplace program


Employers participating in Florida’s Drug-Free Workplace (DFW) program must be careful to follow its strict guidelines or risk incurring workers’ compensation benefit liability. In exchange for lower workers’ compensation premiums, Florida employers can agree to adopt the DFW program …

Any negative comments about work injury may lead to lawsuit


It’s frustrating when an employee you don’t think is seriously injured files a workers’ compensation claim, especially months after the alleged injury. However, you must resist the temptation to react negatively—for example, by bad-mouthing the employee …

No simultaneous challenges in state and federal courts for workers’ comp cases


A recent federal trial court decision means employees can’t sue to challenge the constitutionality of a Michigan workers’ compensation ruling in both state and federal courts. That’s good news for employers that now won’t have to fight it out in both courts at the same time …

Is it time to encourage employees to shop for own health insurance?


If employee health care costs are hitting your organization hard, consider a tactic increasingly used by employers: Encourage workers to shop for alternative insurance plans on the private market …

Caught on camera! Public employers can snoop on employees during fraud probes


California has a tough statute that protects celebrities against the paparazzi. But California law doesn’t necessarily shield the privacy of public employees. Government agencies can order and conduct intrusive investigations if they suspect public employees are committing workers’ comp and benefits fraud …

Changing benefits plans? Make transition accurate, timely


Benefits are increasingly expensive to provide, and sometimes employers have to make changes to remain competitive. Be aware, though, that you need to implement any benefits changes with great attention to detail. Make certain the summary plan description is accurate, and that the underlying insurance documents are also correct …

Ensure doctors are fully credentialed for workers’ comp duty


If you self-insure your workers’ compensation liability or otherwise directly control how your employees go about getting treatment for work-related injuries, make sure the medical professionals involved in your employees’ care are properly licensed and meet all requirements of their licenses. Otherwise, you may face liability for the negligent mistakes of health care practitioners …

Health insurance surcharges mean you’ll pay for bad habits


Starting in 2008, Tribune Co., owner of the Chicago Tribune, began applying a monthly surcharge of $100 to the family health insurance premiums of workers who use tobacco or whose insured dependents do. Employees who kick the habit through the company’s smoking cessation program lose the surcharge …