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Compensation & Benefits

San Francisco supervisors say high-Priced employees face layoffs

Faced with a large budget shortfall, San Francisco supervisors are proposing a way to deal with the $338 million deficit the city expects next year. Board of Supervisors President Aaron Peskin wants to draft legislation that eliminates some high-paying city positions …

To pay or not to pay summer interns

Q. Our company is considering hiring student interns this summer. Are we required to pay them under California law? …

Employee or contractor? Degree of control is key factor

The IRS and the courts are increasingly ignoring the “independent contractor” label that companies increasingly slap on their workers. Instead, they’re reclassifying those relationships as “employees.” And that’s not good for employers …

The HR I.Q. Test: May ’08

Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, comp & benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz …

A dim-Witted way to cut your organization’s health costs

Do some of your employees’ spouses or children have serious (and expensive) health troubles? It may be tempting to offer suggestions about less costly treatments—or even to send that employee packing. But don’t do it. As this new ruling shows, it’s illegal to discriminate against employees based on their relationship with a disabled person …

New FMLA military leave: Who can take it?

Q. Does the new FMLA law for injured soldiers also apply to service members who were injured during past wars? And does the person have to be 100% disabled for their family members to be eligible for leave? — C.T., Missouri …

Must we offer time off as an ADA accommodation?


Q. We employ fewer than 50 employees. What’s our obligation under the FMLA or the ADA to bring back an employee who has missed lots of work? We want to lay her off. Can we?

Handling time-Clock rounding for early, late workers

Q. We don’t allow our employees to punch the time clock more than seven minutes early or clock out more than seven minutes late. How do we round up or down when calculating how to pay them for clocking in early or out late? — J.N., Connecticut …

Can you set work-time minimums for exempt staff?


Q. All our department managers are salaried. When they’re hired, they agree in writing to work at least 50 hours per week. If they miss a day or work only 45 hours in a week, can we deduct from their salaries? — B.L., Florida  …

You don’t have to pay for all employee training


The Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) requires employers to compensate employees for any time spent on the job that benefits the employer. There are, however, some exceptions. For example, if employees use their own time to study materials that will qualify them for promotions, that time generally doesn’t have to be paid.