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Compensation & Benefits

State workers get inside tips on dealing with economic crunch


State employees recently got free advice on how to manage their personal finances from none other than Florida’s Chief Financial Officer Alex Sink. She sponsored a series of “Lunch and Learn” seminars to help staffers cope with the tightening economy …

Disabled workers can collect unemployment if denied accommodations they ask for


Employees who become disabled, request accommodations that never materialize and then resign may end up getting unemployment compensation. But if disabled employees fail to request accommodations, they’re out of luck …

Caring for grandchild qualifies for FMLA leave


When an employee has a baby or adopts a child, it’s easy to determine that he or she is eligible for FMLA leave. But it gets murkier when the baby who needs care isn’t the employee’s own child. The FMLA regulations list eligible dependent children as those to whom the employee has “day-to-day responsibility to care for and financially support.”

Moping: The next best thing to going on strike


They’re not allowed to go on strike, but nothing in the Broward Teachers Union contract says they have to be chipper. Broward County teachers spent the summer bargaining for better raises. When negotiations stalled, they headed back to school in a sour mood …

Big win for Blue Cross as suit fails to become class action


Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota has won a significant victory in an overtime lawsuit filed by two customer service representatives. A court has denied a petition to elevate the case to class-action status—a decision that could save the insurer millions of dollars if it eventually loses.

On Election Day, can we require employees to vote after work?


Q. A number of employees have expressed concerns about long lines on Election Day and their intent to vote in the morning. That could make them late for work. Our office closes at 5:30, which gives employees 2½ hours to vote before polls close. Can we force employees to vote after they have completed their workday? If an employee who votes in the morning is late for work, can we deduct the missed time from his or her pay? …

Can employees volunteer time?


Q. We are a small nonprofit organization that provides social services to the homeless. We cannot afford to pay employees overtime compensation, but some have expressed an interest in donating time to the organization to help provide services. Can our employees also provide work as volunteers? …

Michigan joins other states needing unemployment bailouts


Michigan’s unemployment fund is once again running dry. The fund has had to borrow from the federal government during the past two years to stay solvent, amassing a debt of $255 million. But as bad off as it is, Michigan’s unemployment fund isn’t alone …

Recalculate hours worked for 2nd FMLA request


To qualify for FMLA leave, employees must have worked 1,250 hours in the preceding year. It sounds like a pretty simple calculation, but it’s not. The fact is, you could be allowing leave for employees who aren’t actually eligible for it. Here’s one way to tighten up eligibility …

Can we deduct pay from exempt employees who have used up PTO and FMLA leave?


Q. We have an employee who has a degree in accounting and is treated as a salaried, exempt professional employee under the FLSA. He became ill and has used his 12 weeks of FMLA leave. He chose to use the PTO leave concurrent with his FMLA leave. Since he returned, he has missed seven additional days of work. Can the company deduct these missed days from his pay without losing the salaried, exempt status?