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Compensation & Benefits

Carefully word draw-against-commission contracts—or be prepared to lose money


If you pay employees on a commission basis and allow them to draw against those commissions, be very careful how you word the contract language. If you don’t specify that employees must repay any draws they do not earn back with commissions, they won’t have to.

Changed work schedule isn’t workers’ comp retaliation


A minor schedule change to accommodate medical restrictions isn’t retaliation.

Can we cut employee pay to reduce costs?


Q. We are considering layoffs but would like to avoid them. Can we cut employees’ pay because of tough economic times?

Legislation would scrap state’s prevailing wage


A bill before the Minnesota Legislature would allow the state to suspend prevailing wage requirements on state-funded construction projects if November budget projections show a 1% or greater deficit. State prevailing wage legislation is patterned after the federal Davis-Bacon Act, which requires federally funded construction projects to pay the “prevailing wage” for specific job classifications.

What to do when a Department of Labor auditor comes a-knocking

Suppose an employee has complained to the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) about possible wage-and-hour or overtime violations in your workplace. Once you’ve been notified that an auditor is coming, get prepared by conducting your own audit. Labor’s auditors have plenty of latitude to inspect records and interview employees, so make sure you’ve done everything […]

‘Honor Roll’ companies adopt eco-friendly policies


Employers that made the 2009 Companies That Care Honor Roll are going green. Organizers of the 37-member Honor Roll point to a growing trend among applicants toward benefits, policies and activities that shrink their environmental footprint. Some of them encourage their employees to do the same. Some examples:

Shopping sprees, cruises keep showroom staff on board


Employees who do a good job for Fun Bike Center Motorsports in Lakeland, Fla., reap rewards like Caribbean cruises and grocery store shopping sprees. “They’re great morale boosters,” notes Jenny Brown, assistant to the president. “We have a leader who truly believes in investing in his people.”

Accidental death benefits for deployed state employees


The families of New Jersey public employees who die while on active duty in the military now qualify for accidental death benefits. Gov. Jon Corzine signed a law in March to extend the benefits, which traditionally had covered teachers, police officers, firefighters and government employees who died in car crashes or other accidents.

In wake of AIG debacle, 10 steps toward better bonuses


Bonuses have gotten a bad name lately. But the howls of outrage that followed news of AIG execs’ huge retention bonuses shouldn’t sound the death knell of pay for performance. Here are 10 tips for making your bonus system work in today’s economy.

After AIG debacle, it’s time to review your bonus plan


Bonuses have gotten a bad name lately. But the howls of outrage that followed news of AIG execs’ huge retention bonuses shouldn’t be the death knell of pay for performance. Here are 10 tips for making your bonus system work in today’s economy.