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Compensation & Benefits

GLBT group helps hotel chain with community outreach


A new resource group for gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) employees at Choice Hotels International is doing double duty as a support system for workers and a humanitarian ambassador for the Silver Spring, Md.-based organization.

Payback time: Employer wanted its money back—and got it!


Forgive us if we pat ourselves on the back. In two recent decisions, our firm, Bond, Schoeneck & King, was successful in recovering relief against employees. The cases offer good news for employers frustrated with losing money when they haven’t done anything wrong.

Beware firing ill employee after FMLA expires


Employers sometimes have the mistaken belief that employees with serious health conditions who have used up all their FMLA leave can be terminated if they can’t return to work. That’s simply wrong. In fact, those employees may be entitled to reasonable accommodations—including additional time off—under the New York State Human Rights Law and the New York City Human Rights Law.

Record of support for pregnant women, working moms helps win discrimination cases


Employers that support pregnant and working mothers fare better if they do get sued by someone who believes she suffered pregnancy discrimination. That’s because courts are reluctant to believe that an organization would suddenly become biased after demonstrating a history of progressive policies for pregnant women and working mothers.

Employers preparing for swine flu’s second wave


The World Health Organization raised the swine flu alert to its highest level, saying the H1N1 virus has reached global pandemic levels. Your best HR defense is a good offensive plan to handle the logistical and employment law issues …

Military family leave: DOL regs spell out employee rights


In January 2009, the DOL issued new FMLA regulations that incorporated the National Defense Authorization Act of 2008, which granted new leave rights to family members of employees in the military. The regulations, for the first time, defined what a “qualifying exigency” is under the law that entitles military families to take leave. Qualified exigencies are divided into seven categories:

8 criteria for choosing an outsourcing consultant


The news that consulting giants TowersPerrin and WatsonWyatt are merging has sent shockwaves through the HR world. How will this alliance affect the consulting environment? Will it be good news or bad for HR pros who need outside help? Now more than ever, it may pay to hire someone to help you choose a consultant.

DIY health care reform: Create inexpensive, effective wellness programs


Not all the action on health care reform is happening in Washington. Plenty of employers are focusing closer to home, creating wellness programs that lower health care costs—and don’t break the bank.

9 keys: Convince top brass to support next year’s HR budget

Ever had the C-Suite rubber-stamp your HR budget with nary a question or challenge? Neither has Valerie Grubb, a trainer, business coach and operations consultant. When budget time rolls around, she says, your most important job is explaining how HR contributes to the organization’s larger goals.

New mental-health parity rules kick in Oct. 3


The high-voltage debate over health care reform has consumed headlines in recent months, but employers shouldn’t overlook a more immediate change: The Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act that takes effect next month will mandate new coverage limits—and potentially lead to higher costs.