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Compensation & Benefits

Can an employee opt out of mandatory breaks?


Q. An employee has asked to work through his two daily 10-minute rest periods because he would like to leave work 20 minutes early. Are we permitted to implement this arrangement upon his request?

Family Dollar: 1 win, 1 loss in overtime litigation


Discounts are scarce for retailer Family Dollar, which will begin paying out an estimated $35 million to employees it misclassified as exempt from overtime laws in Alabama. A similar case in North Carolina resulted in a Family Dollar victory.

Nursing home plays doctor, will pay for pregnancy bias


Charlotte-based Lawyers Glen retirement home has agreed to pay $20,000 to settle a pregnancy discrimination complaint brought by one of its nursing aides. When Ashley Wilhelm told her supervisor she was pregnant, she soon found herself working fewer hours. The reduction continued throughout her pregnancy, even though her physician certified she could work full time up until she gave birth.

If employees leave because of bad weather, must we pay them for a whole day’s work?


Q. Do we have to pay our employees for a full day’s work when they leave early due to bad weather?

Can we take away accrued vacation leave?


Q. Some of our employees have accrued large amounts of vacation pay because they have worked here for many years. Can we strip this vacation pay at the end of the year?

Beverage maker retains moms with range of flex benefits


Three-quarters of the women employees who got promoted last year at alcoholic beverage maker Diageo had flexible work schedules, including job sharing, flextime, compressed hours and telework. Among all female workers at the company, half reduced their hours at some point during the year, and 60% used flextime.

Consult attorney to prep for unemployment comp hearing


When challenging an unemployment compensation claim, talk to your attorney before the hearing. You don’t want anything you say at the hearing to be used later as evidence against you.

Are we on the hook for seasonal employees’ unemployment compensation claims?


Q. If our company hires seasonal employees for the holidays and then releases them after the Christmas rush, will we be responsible for any unemployment insurance claims as the workers’ last employer?

Employers cut absent workers a little slack this year


According to an online survey conducted by CareerBuilder.com, employers are not firing workers quite as often for faking illness to get a day off: 15% of employers fired workers this year because they faked an illness, down from 18% in 2008. It appears fewer employers have the time to check up on absent workers. So why are workers absent when they aren’t sick?

When religious needs conflict with schedule, shift swaps may be reasonable accommodation


Many employers make it easy for employees to swap shifts if they consider their hours undesirable or inconvenient. Employers may do this by preparing the schedule well ahead of time and posting it where employees can easily see it. That makes it easy for management to know who is swapping with whom and to approve swaps arranged between employees. A shift-swap policy may also be all you need to win a religious accommodation lawsuit.