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CHR crude, lewd—But not discriminatory

Julie Gallagher joined the Cleveland office of logistics company C.H. Robinson Worldwide (CHR) as a sales rep. She quit four months later in disgust over what she described as “a guys’ locker room” atmosphere. Gallagher sued, alleging the environment was hostile toward women, but the court ruled against her …

Ensure harassment victim knows you want her to stay

Employees who believe they are enduring unbearable harassment may feel they have no choice but to resign. If that happens, they may be able to sue their employers for constructive discharge. But employers can mitigate that danger by making sure the employee understands that management wants her to stay on board while the company investigates …

Whistle-Blower protection requires employee’s intent to expose illegality

Minnesota’s whistle-blower law protects health care workers from retaliation. It is illegal to take adverse employment action against employees who report situations in which the quality of health care services violates a clinical or ethical standard or places the public at risk. But whistle-blowers must intend to expose illegality; it can’t just be in the context of doing their jobs …

Late-Night police antics ‘Humiliating’ but not criminal

The Elkhart Police Department has decided not to pursue criminal charges against employees involved in inappropriate behavior with a detained woman at the station in November …

Discrimination costs grocery chain $40,000

Eugene Gates Jr. had worked as a meat slicer in a Charlotte grocery store for nearly 40 years when it was purchased by Compare Foods, of Freeport, N.Y. Shortly after the buyout, the company cut his hours in half and gave his shifts to a young Hispanic worker, telling Gates the company needed someone who could better relate to the store’s customers …

Recouping training costs when workers leave

Q. It costs a lot to train new employees, so naturally we are upset when those employees leave. They benefit from the training, and we are out the cost. Can we recover training costs if an employee leaves? …

NY Education Law gives school employees just one year to sue for discrimination


Good news for public school employers: Employees who allege they have been discriminated against under the New York Executive Law have just one year to start litigation—as specified in the New York Education Law. Most other employees have three years to mull over their lawsuit options …

Arabic school principal’s rights were not violated


Free speech protections don’t apply to on-the-job speech, a U.S. District Court judge ruled, ending round one of Debbie Almontaser’s legal bid to regain her job as principal of the Khalil Gibran International Academy in Brooklyn …

Maternity leave war leads to CRC head’s resignation


Barbara Sykes said it was “political back and forth” that led her to resign her post as appointed head of Ohio’s Civil Rights Commission (CRC) just before her confirmation hearing. Sykes locked horns with Gov. Ted Strickland over the commission’s proposal to expand Ohio’s maternity leave requirements …

Female police officer says drunken male cops treated better


Christina Johnson, a police officer for Olmsted Township who was fired for crawling into a stranger’s car while highly intoxicated and then passing out, will have the chance to convince a jury that she suffered discrimination. Johnson was off duty during the episode, but was wearing her uniform sweater …