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Are we allowed to require a certain amount of advance notice for resignations?

Q. Is it legal to require management employees to give us a longer resignation period than other employees?

Call lawyer if disloyal employee causes losses

High-ranking and well-paid employees occasionally think about jumping ship and starting competing companies. And sometimes they try to poach business as they prepare to launch their own enterprises. An employer may never know until it’s too late that a presumably loyal employee was working against its best interests. If that happens to you, consult an attorney right away! In many cases, the former employee may be liable for any losses his predatory behavior caused.

Did employee really quit? Track your efforts to find out


Sometimes, employees get angry over some real or imagined slight and walk out. To make sure they really did quit and can’t claim constructive discharge, document your efforts to determine what happened.

Age taunts earn $75K for former North Richland Hills employee


The city of North Richland Hills will pay $75,000 to a former employee to settle a suit claiming that the worker was forced to resign after being continually taunted that he was too old to do his job. The lawsuit said city workers repeatedly ridiculed Robert Coffman, saying he was too old to keep up, that he made too much money and that he should quit.

Employee can’t claim constructive discharge on what might happen in workplace


Some employees try to fabricate a lawsuit by resigning and then alleging that some form of discrimination made their working conditions so intolerable that they had no choice but to quit. The name of this claim: constructive discharge. Fortunately for employers, it takes more than a few isolated comments to create intolerable conditions. And, as the following case shows, the fear that working conditions will become intolerable isn’t enough to justify quitting before things get bad at work.

Do we have to pay bonuses to employees who quit before the normal payout date?


Q. Our company pays out bonuses in the year after the work is completed, sometimes late into the first quarter. If an employee resigns before the bonus payout date (say, in February), do we have to pay a bonus to that employee?

OK to suggest retiring in lieu of getting fired: It’s not age discrimination


Employees who claim they have experienced age discrimination must prove that age was the reason for an adverse employment action, such as termination or demotion. It’s not enough to show that a supervisor merely referred to the employee’s age. As the following case shows, merely suggesting retirement in lieu of discharge isn’t enough.

Court must weigh potential conflict of interest when employer decides not to pay benefits


If an employer decides to deny a fringe benefit to an employee, and the employee challenges the decision, courts must at least consider the possibility that a conflict of interest exists. That’s because anytime an employer decides to provide a benefit, that benefit comes at a cost.

Workplace strife? Transfer is fair solution


When people have a history of conflict, it makes sense to ensure they don’t have to interact with one another. How you go about separating them may mean the difference between staying out of court or losing a costly successful retaliation or discrimination lawsuit.

OK to tie incentives to continued employment


The Supreme Court of California has ruled that employers are free to develop incentive payment plans that reward loyalty by requiring employees to stay for a period of time before earning the full benefit.