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Documented insubordination can often sink employee’s discrimination lawsuit


Employees who sue for discrimination have to prove they are members of a protected class, were qualified for the position they held, were terminated or subjected to another adverse action and were treated less favorably than employees outside their protected class. Employers that can show the em­­ployee was insubordinate can quickly win such cases.

You never have to tolerate fights in the workplace

Violence in the workplace is a harsh reality, but employers must provide a safe work environment. That may mean terminating employees who threaten other employees or get into fights.

Never automatically fire employees just because they exhaust FMLA leave

Many employers wrongly assume that they can automatically terminate an employee once she used up her 12-week entitlement of FMLA leave. Such a policy could spell trouble.

Need to conduct a layoff? Use same criteria as for hiring


Sometimes, layoffs are inevitable … and they’re always a legal minefield. Get it wrong and your attorneys’ fees can easily exceed the labor costs you hoped to save. Decide who should go in much the same way you decide who to hire. Look at the jobs that will survive and select the employees who best fit those jobs.

Fired disabled worker receives $40K from American Apparel

Los Angeles clothing manufacturer and retailer American Apparel has agreed to settle an ADA lawsuit filed by a former employee who was fired while out on medical leave.

Boss recommends firing minority worker? Check the record for hidden supervisor bias

Some supervisors may be secretly biased against members of a particular protected class—something that may be hard to tell until it’s too late. And if a bigoted boss decides to get rid of a subordinate by telling HR the employee is a poor per­­former, rubber-stamping that decision can mean losing a discrimination lawsuit.

Notice date–not workers’ last day–starts lawsuit calendar

Employees don’t have forever to sue for wrongful termination—and the clock may start ticking even before their last day on the job. That can mean all the difference in court.

Hired him? You should be the one to fire him


Make this a mantra in your organization: The same person who hired an employee should be the one to fire him if necessary. Here’s why:

Red-handed? What to do when you suspect employee is a thief


Few HR dilemmas are as sticky as dealing with an employee accused of stealing from the company. Here’s how to handle the situation with care, making sure your organization doesn’t overstep its bounds and expose itself to liability.

Terminations: State Law Resources

When terminating employees, employers must comply with state laws as well as federal laws related to the termination process. Always make sure you check with the appropriate state agency for the full details. Here’s a list of state resources: