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In Minn., one-time mistake that’s arguably not serious may not bar unemployment

Under Minnesota’s unemployment compensation rules, an employee’s single incident of misconduct can be grounds for discharge—and can keep the employee from collecting benefits if it was a serious violation.

Can you fire worker for bringing gun on company property?

Before terminating an employee for bringing a gun to work, check your state law.

Base layoff decisions on previous job reviews

When deciding who stays and who goes during a reduction in force, use as many objective criteria as possible.

Firing OK for cheating discovered during FMLA

Employees who take FMLA leave are entitled to return to their old jobs or equivalent ones. But what if you learn during an employee’s time out on FMLA leave that she wasn’t everything you believed her to be?

Get legal help when contesting unemployment

Employers have the right to contest a former employee’s eligibility for unemployment benefits. Talk it over with your attorney first.

Restructuring? Be sure to document reasons

HR pros can’t let sympathy for an employee who is out on extended medical leave—and whose job may be in jeopardy—affect the organization’s need to respond to business needs by restructuring.

Arbitration decisions tend to stick

There’s a downside to agreeing to decide disciplinary matters in arbitration. Once you agree to have your decisions second-guessed in arbitration, don’t expect to get the arbitrator’s decision easily overturned.

Legitimate discipline isn’t retaliation

Some managers fear disciplining a worker who has complained about discrimination or other allegedly illegal conduct. Quite reasonably, they worry that punishing an employee after he or she complains may precipitate a retaliation claim.

Conduct legally smart exit interviews

Knowing why employees leave is crucial to finding the cause for turnover. Exit interviews can be a great tool to obtain that feedback. However, take care to minimize legal liability during those meetings.

What are the legal risks of layoffs?

Q. In recent months, a sharp decline in revenue has forced us to consider downsizing. What are the legal risks associated with a layoff, and how can we minimize them?