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Latest IRS COBRA guidance has some surprises for employers


Employers now have an answer to their single biggest and most vexing question about the elaborate new federal subsidy arrangement under COBRA, but it may not be the answer they were hoping for or expecting.

Crack down on association discrimination before it lands you in court


Does your organization allow or tacitly condone it (by ignoring it) when employees criticize a co-worker who associates with members of a different protected class? If so, you should be aware that disciplining that employee can bring on a lawsuit.

Boss who hired also fired? Back it up anyway


Most of the time, employers can win discrimination cases by showing that the same “actor” hired and fired an employee. Courts generally assume that the employer’s stated reason for discharge is the true reason and not an excuse to cover up discrimination. That doesn’t mean, however, that you can be loose with your discharge reasons.

Use your solid records to counter employee’s claim of discriminatory treatment


The difference between winning lawsuits and losing them often comes down to good record-keeping. When an employee sues for discrimination, for example, a solid discharge reason will trump the allegations unless the employee can show it was false or that others weren’t discharged for similar problems.

Firing suspected thief? Don’t broadcast the reason


Employee theft is a huge problem, and employers are sometimes tempted to make an example of a thief. They hope to discourage other employees from stealing. It’s a bad idea, because the alleged thief may sue for defamation. Instead, keep the information as confidential as possible.

Hey, look, we’re on TV! Better fire that guy!


The U.S. Department of Labor has settled with Triple B Cleaning, a Houston company, that it claims illegally fired an employee who had complained about workplace safety issues to local news media.

Boss who hired also fired? Back it up anyway to defend against discrimination claims


Employers are often advised to have the same managers who hired an employee also make the termination decision. The idea is that doing so may scuttle a discrimination lawsuit because it’s illogical for a manager to hire a member of a protected class and then turn around and fire him because of bias against that protected class. Don’t use it as an excuse to get sloppy with record-keeping and documentation.

Unable to work, ineligible for FMLA? You may be able to fire


Employees who can’t come to work at all because of a disability can’t perform the essential functions of their jobs. Someone who is so incapacitated they cannot work can be discharged.

7th Circuit reverses ‘cat’s paw’ verdict


When the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, whose decisions cover Illinois, began acknowledging the “cat’s paw” theory of discrimination, it appeared to open employers to greater liability.

Warn bosses: No negative comments on injuries


There’s a fine line between legitimate concerns that an employee is abusing the workers’ compensation system and punishing the employee who has a legitimate claim. Here’s the best way to handle the problem.