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Think twice before setting ‘English-only’ rule; courts view complaints as protected activity

Don’t try to prevent employees from speaking languages other than Eng­lish at work, especially when they’re chatting among themselves. Unless you have a good business reason for banning other languages, courts will likely see the practice as discriminatory.

Voodoo a religion? Texas HHS about to find out

A former employee of the Texas Health and Human Services Com­mis­sion has accused the state agency of retaliation and discrimination on the basis of her religion—voodoo.

Layoff OK after FMLA leave–with justification

Employees who take FMLA leave don’t get greater protection from layoffs than employees who don’t take leave. As long as you can show that you would have eliminated a job even if the employee had not taken FMLA leave, the termination is fine.

Whistle-blowers win big in New Jersey Supreme Court

The New Jersey Supreme Court has delivered a powerful blow to New Jersey employers that find themselves in the crosshairs of a Conscientious Employee Protection Act lawsuit. It ruled in June that whistle-blowers who suffer retaliation that causes psychological damage can collect lost wages—even if they weren’t fired, but quit instead.

Consider additional leave as ADA accommodation

According to the EEOC, leave may be a reasonable accommodation. If you fire disabled employees without at least considering time off as an accommodation, you might be sued.

Good faith wins court cases! Don’t use investigation to trap employee


Employers get lots of leeway when it comes to terminating employees. For example, courts generally uphold firing someone for breaking a rule as long as the employer reasonably believed the employee broke the rule—even if it turns out he did not. But when it looks as if the employer tried to trick the employee into breaking a rule, judges won’t look the other way.

When planning layoff, use objective factors

When deciding who should get the ax during cost-cutting reductions in force, use as many objective factors as possible. For example, use performance measures that include specific achieve­­­ments and rankings based on those achievements.

No self-defamation claim possible in North Carolina

A former employee at a North Carolina Walmart has lost a novel claim that could have opened the litigation floodgates in North Carolina and destroyed the at-will employment concept. He sued, alleging he had been forced to reveal why he had been fired, which in effect amounted to self-defamation.

Different discipline for ‘similar’ offenses? Better be prepared to explain why

When you’re disciplining an employee, you don’t have to go into every detail about why she is being punished one way when another employee was dealt with differently. However, if the employee ever sues you for discrimination, you had better be prepared to explain the difference later—in court.

Remember: Discord isn’t always retaliation


You can’t retaliate against employees who complain about alleged discrimination in the workplace. But what’s retaliation? Tense working conditions don’t always fit that bill. There can be many explanations for rising tensions that have nothing to do with a discrimination complaint.