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Only truly outrageous conduct can add up to intentional infliction of emotional distress

Ohio law allows individuals to sue for intentional infliction of emotional distress, including cases that arise from work-related incidents. Fortunately for ­employers, uncaring or insensitive incidents don’t qualify. The circumstances must be truly outrageous.

Log problems, improvement efforts before terminating


Occasionally, you’ll run across an employee who has a hard time performing up to expectations and won’t accept suggestions to improve. If he belongs to a protected class, you may worry about a lawsuit if you terminate him. That shouldn’t be a problem if you take the time to document problems before termination.

Shared password rouses firing, lawsuit against TIAA-CREF

A Texas employee of TIAA-CREF is suing the retirement fund giant after she was fired for allegedly sharing her computer password with a co-worker. In June 2011, she resigned to avoid being fired for the offense.

Don’t let FMLA request stop discipline that was already in the works


Employees may think that by making a request for FMLA leave, they can stop their employer’s legitimate disciplinary actions. That’s not true. Employers that can clearly establish an independent reason for discipline seldom lose an FMLA retaliation case.

Don’t tolerate insubordination, rudeness


You know her—the abrasive em­­ployee who’s just plain hard to work with. Employers sometimes fear disciplining such employees, thinking that any legitimate criticism will be perceived as some sort of discrimination. Stop living in fear.

Warren Twp. out $2.6 million for retaliatory firing

A Morris County jury has awarded $1.38 million to former Warren Township prosecutor Michelle D’Onofrio, who was fired in 2007 after accusing a local judge of misconduct.

After FMLA leave, build bullet-proof case before firing

It’s certainly possible to terminate an employee who returns from FMLA leave—if you have good reasons un­­related to the FMLA.

When employee files nonsense lawsuit, leave the legal maneuvering to your attorney


In HR, sometimes one just has to wait while disputes run their course—like when a terminated employee sues over claims that clearly have no basis in reality. You can’t ignore such a lawsuit, but you should push your attorney right away to resolve the situation.

Fayetteville Goodyear plant sued over woman’s firing

Goodyear Tire & Rubber faces charges of disability discrimination at its Fayetteville plant after it terminated a woman because she suffers from a menstrual bleeding disorder, menorrhagia.

Changing company name doesn’t end legal liability

Businesses come and go, especially during tough economic times. But sometimes companies just change names and corporate status, while essentially remaining the same entity. That doesn’t mean their legal obligations just disappear.