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Employee late in submitting his FMLA certification? Don’t just fire! Find out why


When employees take FMLA leave, you can require they obtain written certification from a doctor to confirm the underlying serious health condition. FMLA rules say you must give the employee “at least 15 calendar days to obtain the medical certification.” But take note: It’s not smart to terminate an employee simply because you didn’t receive the paperwork on time.

Is ‘he who hired also fired’ a good defense against discrimination charges?

Q. If an employee claims he was discriminated against by the same supervisor who hired and fired him, does the employer have a defense to the discrimination claim?

ALL CAPS EMAIL? That’s no credible threat

How belligerent does an email have to be to warrant firing the sender for willful misconduct and threatening a co-worker? A court has concluded that typing in all capital letters doesn’t necessarily convert a nasty but neutral phrase into a threat.

Reasonable accommodation? Not employee’s call


Some disabled employees think the ADA allows them to demand a particular accommodation and turn down their employer’s suggestions. That’s not true. Employees don’t have to like the accommodations you propose …

Document solid reasons for firing complainer

Employees who complain can be annoying, especially if you believe their gripes don’t have merit. But firing such an employee can be dangerous because complaining about discrimination or other legal issues is protected activity that can’t be punished.

Court: Reporting student’s threat is protected speech

A teacher who was fired after filing a police complaint against a student who threatened him at school has won the right to a jury trial.

Track poor behavior even after improvement


Some employees will permanently per­­form and behave better if they believe their jobs are at stake. But for others, the improvement is only temporary. That’s why it is important to track performance and behavior over time.

Can severance deal address unemployment?

Q. We want to terminate an underperforming employee and are considering offering a severance agreement in which we agree not to contest unemployment benefits and he agrees to resign and release the company from any claims. Is that OK?

Can you fire an employee for smelling like tobacco smoke?

Since 2007, when Minnesota’s Freedom to Breathe Act took effect, smoking has been banned in Minnesota workplaces. Now, new studies about the harmful effects of “third-hand smoke” have caused some employers to take their no-smoking policies to new heights.

Employment law features in Toledo courtroom drama

It’s probably a good thing this case will be heard in Lucas County Court. A former law clerk for the Toledo Municipal Court has filed a lawsuit against the city, the court and six of its judges.