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Secondhand smoke leads to multimillion-dollar penalty

If your workplace still allows smoking, consider this: A New York jury awarded $5.27 million to a sales director of a modeling firm who claimed that secondhand smoke subjected her …

Workers can’t claim self-defense as reason to ignore anti-violence rule

As part of your anti-violence policy, include a clearly worded ban on physical and verbal abuse in the workplace, even if it’s in self-defense. Include descriptions …

FMLA doesn’t apply to workers who try to deceive you

If you discover that one of your employees has either misused or lied about his leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), you’re well within your rights to fire …

Never assume pregnancy will affect employees’ ability to work

Issue: It’s up to pregnant employees to decide if pregnancy or maternity will prevent them from performing their jobs.
Risk: Liability for up to hundreds of thousands of dollars in …

You can require mandatory overtime


Q. A new employee has just informed his supervisor that he can’t work any overtime. Can we legally fire this person? —G.M., Virginia

‘Free speech’ no protection to workers

The next time an employee argues that he has a First Amendment right to say whatever he wants at work, wear a T-shirt with a controversial message or display …

Allow applicants to answer negative background-check results

It’s true that your company could be held liable if it rejects an applicant based on inaccurate data in his background check. But don’t stop doing background …

If workers’ ‘free speech’ threatens others, you can ban it

Issue: Employees wrongly believe the First Amendment protects their comments at work.
Risk: You don’t need to put up with employees who claim their harassment or bias is just “free …

Let applicants respond to background-check results

Issue: You can be held liable for rejecting job applicants because of inaccurate background checks.
Risk: Defamation, invasion of privacy and wrongful-discharge lawsuits …

Less chance of receiving ‘no match’ letter from SSA in 2003

Issue: Letters from the Social Security Administration (SSA) flushed out thousands of illegal aliens working in U.S. companies, creating chaos for HR departments …