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Hookers, communal baths put Dentsu in hot water


Steve Beigel, former creative director for Manhattan ad agency Dentsu Holdings, is suing the company over sexually offensive outings held on company trips …

All periods of employment count toward FMLA eligibility


For the purpose of determining FMLA eligibility, all time spent working for an organization counts toward the minimum one year of service the law requires. That’s true even if there was a gap in employment …

Ohio Supreme Court narrows right to file wrongful discharge claim


The Ohio Supreme Court has narrowed the scope of the public-policy wrongful discharge claim in Ohio. In Leininger v. Pioneer Nat’l Latex, the Ohio Supreme Court said employees couldn’t claim wrongful discharge after being fired for speaking out on alleged age discrimination. Here’s what the decision means …

Don’t just rubber-Stamp manager’s termination recommendation


When a supervisor recommends discharging an employee, resist the temptation to simply agree with her assessment. Here’s why: If the employee is being targeted because she took FMLA leave or engaged in some other form of protected activity, blind adherence to the supervisor’s recommendation to fire opens up the company to a retaliation claim.

In unemployment comp cases, alcoholism no defense to misconduct discharge


Alcoholism may be a disability under the ADA and a serious health condition under the FMLA, but that doesn’t mean employers have to tolerate employees who come to work drunk. In fact, being under the influence at work can be misconduct, disqualifying the employee from getting unemployment payments …

EEOC called after MRSA scare costs Miami man his job


A South Florida man may be the first U.S. employee to lose his job over methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus—a highly contagious and potentially lethal, drug-resistant bacterial infection also known as MRSA …

Commissioner denies former aide’s sexual harassment charge


Alyssa Ogden, former aide to Hillsborough County Commissioner Kevin White, says she was fired because she rebuffed numerous sexual advances since she joined White’s staff in April of 2007. She filed an EEOC complaint …

Set harassment policies employees can understand and follow


The best—quite possibly the only—protection employers have against losing a sexual harassment lawsuit is an effective sexual harassment policy. But a policy isn’t worth the paper it’s written on if employees don’t know about it or find it hard to use …

If new employee clearly isn’t working out, fire and move on


Sometimes it becomes painfully obvious you’ve made a hiring mistake shortly after the new employee clocks in on day one. If, during initial training or on the first assignment, you know the employee will not meet your legitimate expectations—and you can substantiate your impression—it may be best to admit the mistake and discharge the new employee …

Caution: ‘Going by the book’ may be retaliation


When an employee everyone considered loyal suddenly starts complaining to a regulatory agency about alleged workplace violations, it’s natural to be upset. But resist the temptation to send the employee a message by suddenly enforcing the work rules zealously …