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  • HR Specialist: Employment Law
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What are the rules on letting a former employee see her personnel file?


Q. Are we required to let terminated employees come in and view their personnel files, or can we copy the information and send it via mail? One of our fired employees has hired an attorney and wants to see her file.

Can we do anything about an employee who files false harassment claims?


Q. An employee of ours has filed several sexual harassment complaints. But when we have investigated, they have turned out to be false. Can we do something about her?

What should we do? We’re afraid our diabetic employee is a danger to herself and others


Q. One of our employees, who has diabetes, is on the road a lot tending to patients in their homes. We’ve heard that she is having trouble seeing patient charts and difficulty pricking patients’ fingers for tests. What should we do?

What should we do when caregiver leave overlaps with family leave?


Q. One of our employees recently went on military caregiver leave to take care of her injured husband. She is also expected to give birth in the coming weeks. Is she entitled to 12 weeks of leave under the FMLA in addition to her 26 weeks of caregiver leave?

Can we offer equity stake in lieu of pay and still comply with the FLSA?


Q. We are a small start-up company. We have an office manager whom we pay $350 per week. I understand that, in order to be exempt from overtime labor laws, we would need to pay her at least $455 per week. We can’t afford to pay that amount, but are willing to provide her stock in the company. Will that help?

Must we pay employees who volunteer at a company-sponsored event?


Q. Our company is sponsoring a community art fair, and several employees have volunteered to help at the event. Do we need to compensate those employees for the time they spend volunteering?

Can we terminate an H-1B immigrant?


Q. We are sponsoring an immigrant worker on an H-1B visa. Because of performance issues, we would like to terminate his employment. Can we do this?

What are the FMLA eligibility rules for employees who leave and then come back?


Q.  We have an employee who has worked for us for just six months. However, three years ago, she worked for us for about a year before quitting and going back to school. Now she has requested time off under the FMLA. Is she eligible?

How can we save on payroll but still have employees work their full schedules?


Q. We are having trouble making payroll and have asked our employees to give up pay for 20 hours per month while they work their regular schedules. Can we do this?

How brief a time increment must we use when granting FMLA intermittent leave?


Q. An employee has requested one hour of unpaid intermittent FMLA leave. Can we require him to use up a half or full day of leave instead?