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Skater’s harassment suit puts the Garden on thin ice


Ex-Rangers City skater Courtney Prince has produced a paper trail to support her sexual harassment suit against Madison Square Garden. She introduced memos showing the Garden staff was digging up dirt on her before she filed suit …

AIDS Programs


HR Law 101: As AIDS continues to affect all segments of the population, the workplace is feeling the consequences. Employers are now compelled to confront issues related to AIDS, such as employees’ fear of the disease, company policy decisions and benefit programs …

10 ways to squeeze more value from your EAP


Is your organization reaping the full financial benefits from its employee assistance program (EAP)? If employees aren’t using it, the answer is probably “no” …

15-min. workout (In work clothes) cuts excuses to skip exercise


The 280 employees at Boland, Inc., a Rockville, Md., air conditioning company, have run out of excuses to do at least a minimum amount of exercise each day. Reason: Two years ago, the company adopted Rick’s Quick Fit, a 15-minute workout that employees can do in their work clothes

Prevent bias against men who take FMLA leave


Would your hiring managers react negatively to male employees or applicants just because they took FMLA leave to care for a newborn or a sick family member? …

Listen for hints about illness … they may be FMLA notice


The FMLA’s notice provision requires employees, to be eligible for FMLA leave, to let their employers know that they suffer from a serious health condition. Merely telling a supervisor “I’m sick” doesn’t cross to the threshold of a legitimate FMLA notice. But it’s important for supervisors to know that employees, on the other hand, don’t need to say something as explicit as “I need FMLA leave because I have X illness” …

Whistle-blowers protected only if concerns are in writing


Florida’s Whistleblower Act protects employees only if they notify their employers of alleged wrongdoing before reporting it to authorities. That way, employers have a chance to correct the problem first …

Printed policies don’t suffice; be vigilant about harassment


If your business operates in far-flung parts of the country, make sure everyone’s on the same page in following your anti-discrimination policies …

‘He said, she said’: Train staff in conflict resolution


What’s a manager to do when faced with conflicting accounts of an argument between employees? An important part of that answer is to resolve it quickly, before the dispute spreads like a cancer through your organization …

Warn bosses: Don’t speculate on workers’ medical limits


Supervisors and HR professionals must avoid stereotyping employees who have medical problems and never make assumptions about workers’ abilities to perform the job. Making uninformed comments about physical ailments is a quick way to land in court