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Strategic Planning

AARP finds Georgia’s work force is getting grayer


Jobs will grow in Georgia over the next two decades, according to a recent report from the AARP, but filling them will be a challenge …

Adopt ‘Green-Collar’ mentality to attract eco-Aware staff


Don’t keep it a secret if your organization does good for the community and the environment. Let employees and job applicants know about your corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts …

Save on tuition aid by managing colleges like vendors


Most midsize and large employers run their run tuition-assistance benefits more like entitlement programs than strategic investments. They don’t hold schools accountable …

Don’t wait for emergency to make flexibility routine


If you think your work/life effort is complete so long as your organization helps its employees with child care, elder care and flexible work hours, it might be time to update your definitions. Work/life programs bring value not only to employees but also to organizations. If you’ve got a good one, chances are you’ll see benefits the next time your company faces an emergency …

The 7 best benefits to keep older workers in the fold


Employees age 55 and older—a group growing four times faster than the work force as a whole—make particularly loyal employees, a new study shows. But does your organization offer the type of benefits that will help you retain those older workers until they retire (and beyond)? Some organizations are taking that extra step

Get the most out of your next HR conference


If you’re planning to attend a conference soon, think about this: The work you do before the conference is just as important as what you do while you’re there …

Run outsourcing like a business; it’ll boost HR’s image


HR is becoming less of a task-oriented profession and more of a project-management one. The biggest example: outsourcing. Follow these tips to use outsourcing to demonstrate your business acumen …

Educate employees about the value of disability insurance


Thirty percent of employees between the ages of 35 and 65 will become disabled for at least 90 days at least once during their working years … That means you can count on a steady stream of short-term disability insurance claims. Do you know how much those claims cost your organization? Almost half of employers do not

Tie HR to business strategy with right mission statement


HR often writes vague and uninspiring mission statements that exclude business goals. Take the following steps to create a mission statement that lays out HR’s practical vision for contributing to the company’s strategic plans

On-Site Clinics Make a Comeback. Are They Right for You?


On-site clinics are less common than they were a few decades ago, when the company doctor was as much a fixture as the school nurse. But the high cost of health care—and the trend toward focusing on prevention and wellness as ways to lower those costs—is bringing them back into vogue …