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Strategic Planning

Close skills gap with training, pay, planning


More than half of U.S. employers are having trouble filling mission-critical positions, a ManpowerGroup report notes. It’s time to turn around the trend. Here are nine ways organizations are addressing the post-recession skills shortage:

Take off, knowing the office is in good hands

Whether you want to enjoy a summer vacation or have to unexpectedly be out of the office because of a family emergency, actions you take now can save you from worrying about work. These preparations will make you confident that your colleagues can handle your absence.

What’s the biggest challenge you face as you try to make HR more effective this year?

Too much to do, too little management support are holding back HR.

Save on legal fees: The 7 most common law firm billing errors

If part of your job is dealing with outside attorneys and reviewing their invoices, know what kind of overcharges to look for. You can save the company money and prove your bottom-line impact to the top brass. Here are the seven most common errors to watch for.

7 comp questions you must be able to answer

For everything else that contributes to employee satisfaction, most people wouldn’t do their jobs free. Compensation is a critical tenet of the employment contract. If you’re committed to attracting and retaining excellent employees, you had better be prepared to answer these questions about your compensation practices.

What HR pros must know about protecting trade secrets

When any valued employee leaves, the company experiences a loss. The loss is greater, however, when the former employee departs to work for a competitor and begins using the company’s confidential information or trade secrets. HR has a key role to play in protecting a company’s proprietary information. Here’s how to do it.

Will your organization add employees in 2012?

More than 60% of poll respondents say their organizations will add staff this year.

Learn from the best: 6 tips from America’s top HR departments


Even if your HR department has only two or three employees, it can still incorporate some of the best approaches to HR management used in the country’s top HR departments. America’s biggest companies share some basic approaches to HR that can benefit much smaller departments.

Your HR career: Think strategically to avoid being ‘outsourced’

Issue: As outsourcing grows and gains popularity, you need to prove your value to the organization.
Benefit: Protect your job and build a reputation as a “big-picture” …

Quit guessing at training ROI: Use this simple formula instead

Employee training represents an act of faith for many organizations. They know it’s important, but few can quantify the return on investment. Still, HR is pushed to prove that training pays off. Use this formula to prove to senior managers which training produces results and which doesn’t.