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Policies / Handbooks

Use progressive discipline—or prepare to pay unemployment even if conduct was outrageous


Ohio employees who are discharged for just cause aren’t entitled to unemployment compensation payments. But Ohio courts frequently hesitate to cut off unemployment benefits for one-time conduct that may be outrageous—as long as the employee doesn’t have a history of past disciplinary problems and the employer has a progressive discipline program it didn’t use.

Use TEAM approach to stay union-free in a union-friendly world


By now, nearly everyone in HR has heard of the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA), under which unions would have a much easier time becoming certified. Because unions have become more aggressive and more successful at unionization even without the EFCA, I recommend that employers adopt the TEAM approach to keeping their workplaces union-free.

How can we prepare for a flu pandemic?


Q. I am very concerned about the H1N1 flu outbreak, especially if it flares up again this fall. Are there are steps I should take to prepare my business if an employee contracts the illness?

Problem Solved: Real People … Real Comp & Benefits Solutions, July ’09


This month’s collection of real-world quick tips from American business leaders, brought to you by members of The Alternative Board.

Are employees twittering the day away?


Whether they’re shooting off their own “tweets” or following others, workers using Twitter—the fastest-growing social networking site—are creating liability and PR risks with their 140-character rants, raves and company gossip. Advice: Draft a brief policy on  your organization’s expectations for employee’s use of Twitter and other social networking sites (plus video).

Are you ill prepared? 13 steps to stay ahead of the H1N1 virus


In light of the H1N1 virus pandemic scare, now’s the time to make sure your organization has an effective pandemic plan in place. As public health officials prepare for a vaccination campaign this fall, here are 13 steps you can take to deal with H1N1.

It’s time for a policy on employee Twittering


Whether they’re shooting off their own “tweets” or just following others, employees using Twitter—the fastest-growing social networking site—are creating liability and PR risks with their 140-character rants, raves and company gossip.

Uniform rules: Police can ban religious garb if there’s a public-policy reason


Police and similar public safety departments can forbid their officers and other uniformed personnel from wearing religious symbols and garb if they provide the right ground rules. But it’s a thorny issue that’s worth giving plenty of consideration.

Win harassment claims by keeping good records


Employers that have anti-harassment policies and clearly communicate them already have a leg up. But the real winners are employers that also carefully track every harassment complaint. They increase their odds of winning harassment cases because they can show whether an employee complained about behavior when it happened.

Threats at work: You can punish, even if weapon turns out to be a toy


You probably have workplace rules that ban weapons in the workplace and don’t allow employees into the building with guns or knives. And that rule probably spells out that you will terminate an employee who threatens or displays a weapon at work. But what if the ‘‘weapon’’ turns out to be a toy?