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Personnel Files

Stolen disc costs two jobs, plus a week of vacation


An Ohio Office of Management and Budget intern was fired, and a manager has resigned after someone broke into the intern’s car and stole a computer disc containing sensitive state payroll and accounting information …

Verifying I-9 document


Q. It is my understanding that employers are required to view I-9 verifying documents within three business days of an employee’s hire. My company hires employees in various states, and I cannot personally view the I-9 documentation of the out-of-state employees. What process is acceptable for completion of the I-9 verification process if I cannot personally view the required documentation? …

Limit attacks on purging records with a clear retention policy


If you develop a reasonable retention policy and follow through by regularly deleting information you don’t need, chances are an employee later won’t be able to say you intentionally interfered with the ability to present a legal case …

Do supervisors’ ‘Unofficial’ employee files raise any legal red flags?


Q. We have several supervisors who insist on keeping their own private files on employees in their departments, especially to record absences and comp days. Is this legal? …

Don’t share HR files that wipe out attorney-Client privilege


If you want to avoid airing your organization’s dirty laundry in public, take note: Before you turn over a copy of an employee’s personnel record, go through the file carefully. Remove any correspondence between the HR office and your attorney. It is technically privileged communication …

Going paperless: Can personnel records be electronic?


Q. We’re drowning in paper and would like to go paperless. Can we create strictly electronic personnel and payroll records? — T.P., Indiana …

New law puts curbs on Social Security numbers on paychecks


Q. We’ve heard that a new law changes how we use Social Security numbers in the workplace. Is that true? …

Reporting requirements under the Georgia New Hire Reporting Program


Q. I’ve heard that Georgia law requires employers to report new hires to the Georgia Department of Labor, but I can’t find any such requirement in the department’s rules …

Pending ‘No-Match’ rules put employers in difficult positions


The Social Security Administration every year sends thousands of “no-match” letters to employers asking for help matching Social Security numbers with employee names. In recent years, however, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has sought to transform the no-match letter system into a mechanism for enforcing laws against illegal immigration …

Can the ‘Paperless office’ work in an HR environment?


Q. Our office manager wants to move to a paperless system. Are there any documents that we must maintain in paper form? …