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HR Management

NLRB gives back email control to employers

The National Labor Relations Board on Dec. 17 reestablished the right of employers to restrict employee use of company-owned email for purposes unrelated to work, striking a blow against labor unions.

Workers’ comp model could curb opioid crisis

Abuse of prescription opioids has been cited as one of the leading factors in a recent decline in the life expectancy of working-age Americans. Now a federal program seeks to limit addiction by controlling how much medication injured federal government employees are allowed to receive.

Survey: Few of us want to work in open-plan offices

Just 28% of employees prefer an office with an open office plan, while 52% want private offices.

OSHA set record for workplace inspections in FY2019

OSHA conducted 33,401 inspections—more than in the previous three years—addressing violations related to trenching, falls, chemical exposure, silica and other hazards.

Snapshot: What millennials say would improve their careers

Work that has a positive impact on the world is important for 90% of millennial employees, but almost as many would settle for bigger paychecks.

Young workers expect yearly promotions

Gen Z and millennial employees are ambitious about chasing career opportunities but jaded, or perhaps just realistic, about their prospects.

Report: HR, hiring managers need disability training

A new report on workplace disability inclusion found many HR professionals and hiring managers are ill-prepared to hire, retain or advance individuals with disabilities.

DOL promotes worker safety, pay during holiday season

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration and its Wage and Hour Division have issued a reminder to employers this holiday season: Protect your employees and pay them fairly this holiday season.

U.S. workers dying younger than international peers

Americans of working age have a higher mortality rate than their peers in any of 17 other modern economies, and that rate has increased for three straight years.

The HR I.Q. Test: December ’19

Here’s your monthly quiz on HR news and trends.